Chapter 103- When you share a cupcake, you share love

Francesco's eyes widened in surprise seeing that evil glint in kid's eyes.

He placed his one hand on Zain's shoulder and burst out laughing.

"Pfft...This kid is jealous!" Francesco laughed, holding his stomach which earned him another glare from Leo's green eyes.

"Oh my my! Look at this cute little tiger!" Francesco patted Leo's head. He found it funny.

Leo shook his head to remove Francesco's hand and faced Grandpa Bennetti with a questionable glare, "Grandpa, who are they?"

Hearing his bitter voice unlike the chirpy one earlier, Grandpa Bennetti laughed amusingly. This kid is indeed adorable!

"Leo, they are my grandsons!"

He then turned towards Francesco and Zain and introduced Leo, "Meet my cutest buddy Leo!"

Francesco smiled and extended his hand for a handshake.

Leo raised his eyebrow and gave him a firm handshake like a man using his small little hands.