Chapter 115- Break-in

At night, Rizi's villa:

"You collected all the planted bugs right?" Zack questioned while taking a sip of a black coffee.

He and Rizi were counting the small bugs and devices that they had removed from Bennetti groups.

They had planted around hundred small button type spy bugs in Bennetti Groups.

"Yeah!" Rizi confirmed before wearing her headphone again.

She has planted spying device in both Zain's and Francesco's office.

Today after lunch, she and Zack have divided their task and ensure to collect all their planted bugs.

It would be a problem if anyone will find it.

She was already done listening to the content of the bug planted in Zain's office first. There was nothing much.

Now, she was listening to the conversations recorded in Francesco's office.

After an hour, she removed her headphone, clicked her tongue and hissed, "That asshole."

"What?" Zack raises his eyebrow in confusion.