Chapter 116- What are you doing at my property?

He flashed an old photograph to his bodyguards.

It was a photo of her mother carrying a small briefcase in one hand, and with her other hand she held 8 years old Rizi's hand.

She was shocked.

Why is he looking for this briefcase?

She recalled that day.

Her mother and father had an argument about something.

She and Susanna were playing outside, but she could hear her mother's crying voice.

Susanna was holding a camera, and she was asking Rizi to pose for a photo.

As soon as she was about to pose, she felt her mother grabbed her hand and drag her towards the car parking.

It was that moment Susanna had accidentally clicked that picture.

After that, she and her mother had stayed at Cruz Mansion for a whole month.

Her father came to pick them up after a month.

"Boss, let's go. At least we know what he is looking for." Anthony's voice broke her out of her reverie.