Chapter 119- Annual Celebration(2) - ETHEREAL

Susanna was dolled up in a white gown and was indeed looking beautiful wearing silver half mask. It was a big day for her.

Her wedding announcement with Zain and she had planned to make him hers forever after tonight.

She was shyly following Zain like a cute little wife.

Rizi took out her encrypted mobile from her clutch and send a quick message before turning her mocking gaze towards Susanna again.

Susanna felt her phone vibrated in her hands, showing an incoming message. She unlocked her phone and read the message. Color drained from her face in an instant. Her face turned pale on the content.

Anonymous: [Well, you don't believe me yet. Do you? I know what you did 13 years ago to Ms. Ara Cruz. I can hand over the proof but I need something in return.]

She nervously looked around and quickly sent a response.

Susanna: [I don't know what you are talking about. Stop harassing me.]

Rizi smirked evilly at Susanna's reaction.