Chapter 120- Annual Celebration (3) - Waltz

"Zain, come here, son. It's time for announcement." Grandpa Bennetti called out for Zain and signalled emcee to start.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! It is my pleasure to welcome you here at 80th Anniversary celebration of Bennetti Groups. "Emcee clinked his champagne flute with a small spoon while capturing everyone's attention.

He gave a brief on history of Bennetti Groups and their legacy.

Then he called Zain Bennetti, current CEO of the company in the spotlight for a speech.

Like his personality, Zain's speech was crisp and on-point. Socialities went ga-ga over his 3 minutes speech.

Next, emcee called Grandpa Bennetti on the stage.

"Thank you, everyone, for joining today's celebration. And son, I am very proud of you. I am sure Bennetti Groups will soar to new heights under your leadership. On this wonderful occasion, I would like to make a very important announcement. Zain and Susanna please come here." Grandpa Bennetti gestured them to come near him.