Chapter 139- Your father was a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Both the nurses felt uneasy.

After few seconds of silence, Molly took a deep breath and spoke in low voice, "Yes Madam. We had worked for Ara madam for around two years."

"How did she died?" Rizi shot her question straight to the point.

Hearing the question, color drained from both nurse's face.

They looked at each other in horror and guilt. Rizi and Zack exchanged the knowing look. These nurses knew something.

"Madam, she was suffering from cancer. Everyone knew that." Clara spoke while wiping her sweaty palms on her dress.

"We want to know the truth. We know she didn't had cancer. So please save your energy and let's hear the truth." Rizi's intimidating aura and cold voice made Molly and Clara gulped in fear.

They both look around the room surrounded by armed bodyguards.