Chapter 140- Her belief shattered

"W-What was that?" Rizi stuttered and questioned.

All this was too much for her.

Her whole happy childhood was nothing but a delusion. Her mother suffered so much right in front of her eyes, and she was clueless.

"They were planning to increase the dosage of the drugs and make her sign the papers. They were after your mother's money and some briefcase. He wanted to kill your mother once he gets that briefcase and signed the paper. Your mother was the highest shareholder for Cruz Corporation, but she had kept it hidden. As per what your mother told us, when you were around 6 years old something big happened. It was related to the murder of her best friend and her husband. Later on, your father found out about shares because of his connections. Your father used to whip your mother on her back asking for briefcase and transfer of shares. He ensured not to bruise her face because of you. I front of you, he pretend to be a loving husband and father."