Chapter 151- Susanna in hospital

As soon as the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Susanna was shifted into the emergency room and the doctors started attending her.

Caroline knew it was not so serious as she had already controlled her bleeding, but she was still worried about her daughter. It was a big move on Susanna's part. She knew how pampered Susanna was from childhood. This was difficult for her to pull through.

After half an hour, the doctor had moved her to a private ward and informed Caroline that she is out of danger as of now. They paid the doctor a hefty sum beforehand so that he could exaggerate Susanna's situation.

He recommended her to keep in observation until she is fully healed and he also recommended to a psychiatrist for her therapies.

After doctor left the ward, Caroline occupied the stool next to Susanna's bed. Just as she extended her hand to caress her daughter's cheek, the mobile phone rang.

Seeing the incoming call from Andrew, Caroline immediately answered, wasting no second.