Chapter 152- Over-protective brother

At Trinity Residence:

Rizi and everyone got the news of Susanna's suicide attempt.

"Well. Isn't my aunt very smart?" Rizi asked while slicing an apple for Leo. They were sitting in the living area enjoying their own sweet time. Leo and Zack were playing a game on the play station.

"Well, Yeah." Abby and Sara answered in unison while munching on the chips. Abby was sprawled on the carpet on the floor and Sara was sitting next to her on the carpet floor. Her body leaned against Jason's leg and she had had her head rested on Jason's thigh.

"You need my help? I can help move her secretly." Jason questioned while playing with Sara's auburn hair. He was wearing comfortable home clothes and leisurely sitting on the couch.

"Well. She had already sent her men. I don't think she needs anyone's help." Zack commented while his eyes glued on the screen in front of him.