Chapter 154- Unless you already have her!!

"Boss. We were few minutes late. Suddenly there were a lot of cars tailing them. We lost their car at one of the traffic signal. As soon as we tracked them and reach the area, someone had already taken her away. The bodyguards with her were beaten to pulp. Seeing the mark of tyres, there must be many cars." Anthony explained in a single breath anxiously.

"Damn it. Go and find who took her. I need information, Anthony! Work with Abby and Zack on finding CCTV footage of the nearby place. I need a report in one hour." she ordered coldly.

"Yes, Boss!" Anthony hung up and wipe the sweat on his forehead. His boss rarely flips out like this. He had to find more information as soon as possible. With that thought, he immediately called Zack.