Chapter 155- The torture

At some far place, Susanna opened her eyes.

She was in an old, decrepit prison cell. She sat on the floor and they tied both her hands and legs onto a column. She felt a sharp pain in her head.

In front of her, there was a man playing with the weird tools. Susanna blinked a few times to clear her vision. The pupils of her eyes contracted seeing the maniac looking man playing with different types of torture tools.

This kind of behavior looked very strange, at the same time, it made her feel scared from the heart.

Remembering what happened in the car, she shivered frequently. Gathering a lot of courage, she weakly asked, "Who are you? Where am I?"

She doesn't know why these people kidnapped her. But she didn't want to enrage this maniac.

Ace looked at her girl and smiled eerily, "You are up. Boss will be here any minute."

Soon the gate of the prison cell opened and Zain entered in his full black suit and a cigarette in one hand.