Chapter 201- One more visitor in prison cell

She hated the fact that she was his flesh and blood.

She loathes him more now!

This was a whole different side of her father!

Rizi stood up from the chair slowly, carrying an air of coldness.

She walked towards Andrew.

"Madam, Please do not go near him. He is provoking you." Assistant Han immediately raised his hand and tried to stop her.

He pitied her for having such a heartless jerk as a father. She was not yet healed fully from her injuries. Hence Assistant Han was worried she will strain or open her stitches and his boss will grill them alive He was very well aware of his temper. Assistant Han nervously looked at CCTV and shook his head.


Rizi turned towards him and sneered, "MOVE. AWAY!" She swatted his hands away.

Assistant Han gulped, but he nodded and slowly moved aside.

But the next scene made his eyes widen in shock.

Rizi was standing in front of Andrew, who was tied to a chair. A muzzle of a Glock 19 pointed straight at Andrew's head.