Chapter 202- Andrew's shamelessness

Zain stepped inside and threw the cigarette on the ground.

Rizi felt his chilly aura emanating from him with every step he took forward.

Zain reached where the chairs were placed and signalled Rizi to sit down while placing his suit jacket on the back of the chair.

There was something about his intimidating gaze and the way he said, Rizi didn't even realise when she sat on one of the chairs.

Holy shit!

Why did I sit?

Who is he to command me?

With that thought, Rizi abruptly stood up and moved a step away from the chairs while glaring at Zain with contempt.

Zain sighed and turned to Andrew, who was staring at him with a smug smile plastered on his face.

"Well played Ross. I mean Mr Stephano Rosselini!" Zain's deep voice reverberated in the prison cell.

Something changed in Andrew's expressions, but he quickly covered it.

He looked at Rizi with a provocative gaze, "You should have brought my grandson here. This counts for a family reunion. Don't you think so?"