Chapter 209- Abby's crush

Assistant Han realized they had spent more than an hour talking about their lives.

"Sorry. I didn't realize time!" Abby looked towards the clock and blew a raspberry. She didn't look guilty at all. On contrary, she was pleased.

Assistant Han had a worried look on his face. For the first time, he had lost track of time. He was supposed to check up on Zain to ensure he was alright after today's ordeal. Zain's health had always been a concern to him. With his insomnia and anxiety attacks, the guy was as dangerously powerful as kryptonite but broken within.

"Apologies, I took so much of your time. " Abby apologized sincerely after she sensed the worried look on his face. She wanted him to stay over and spend some more time, but she didn't feel right uttering those words as he was on duty right now, and moreover, it was their first meeting.

Although she had her eyes on him for quite a time, she didn't want to come off too strong. It might scare him, so she must tread carefully.