Chapter 210- Rizi's inner turmoil

"I was about to kill him, Abby. He had ruined so many lives! Mine, Zain, Zain's parents, my mother; and so many more we are not even aware of!" Rizi furrowed her brows as her expression turned grave with remorse.

After pondering for a few seconds, something hit her like a thunderstruck as her eyes snapped. "My M-Mom!!! Abby! My mother- She is A-ALIVE!!!"

"Damn! My mother is alive. Abby, that scum confirmed, right? Mama is alive? Right? Right?" Rizi questioned desperately as her heartbeat accelerated at the thought of her mother being alive.

"Yes, she is alive!" Abby confirmed with a big smile and enveloped her in a big hug carefully to not touch her wound.