Chapter 219- Confrontation (2)

Rizelle knew his hatred for her father had etched deep in his bones. The hate for which she had faced consequences of being Andrew's daughter despite being innocent.

Rizi scoffed at the myriad of her jumbled thoughts.

She knew the hate she felt till now might be nothing compared to the amount of hatred he had towards her evil father. Since the day she had discovered the truth about her father, each day had been so exhausting with the increasing hate. How one can deal with it? How long it had been for him? Since he was 13 years old? Since the time he discovered the truth behind his parent's death? How much he had bottled up inside? And how he dealt or still dealing with the pain knowing the culprit behind his parent's gruesome death is alive and breathing?

Rizi conflicted thoughts were expressed all over her face. She hates him for what he did to her and at the same time pities him for what he went through.