Chapter 225- Amusement park fun

Mommmmyyyyy!!!" Leo's thrilled shriek made Abby and Rizi giggle.

They were seated and riding in madness in the cup ride. It was designed like a giant cup placed on a saucer with a seating arrangement of four.

Currently, they were seated in a giant red cup. They tied to their seat with the support of the seat belt, and the cup swung, swirled, and halted as the passengers screamed with thrill and excitement.

Leo and Abby both squealed and held the bar ahead of them tightly.

Their entry into the amusement park was swift as Anthony had prepared tickets in advance.

Some of Rizi's shadow guards had camouflaged themselves in the crowd for their safety.

They were nearby Rizi, Leo, and Abby as monitored their surrounding.

As the weather was colder now, they were all dressed in warm clothes.

Rizi had once again disguised herself as Lauren Song to be on the safer side. Somewhere deep in her heart, she had an ominous premonition about the day.

Despite her inner turmoil and worries, she smiled warmly in response to Leo's excitement.

Clad in faded blue jeans, a white sweatshirt, and a beige overcoat along with a Beanie cap, Leo's nose and cheeks were flushed red because of the colder air and also because of his squeals and screams of excitement.

His green eyes sparkled with so much joy that it made her heart full and overwhelmed.

Her son longed for this normal way of living like other kids for such a long time!

Finally, he was able to do it! Live a normal life and do all those things that kids his age do.

He deserved all the happiness!

"Oh god! My head is spinning." Abby squealed in equal excitement as she tried to rearrange her hair which was blowing in all directions because of the strong winds as the ride continued to spin and halt.

"Ah hah haha! Aunty Abby your hair looks like a nest.." Leo guffawed and tried to control his laughter with his hands but his eyes and body gave away his intention.

"What!! You little devil! I m not gonna show mercy in the car race later! Just you wait!" Abby squinted her eyes but soon squealed and giggled because of the abrupt halt and spin of the ride.

"I feel like I need to go pee-pee!" Leo said loudly as he glanced at his mother.

Abby cackled loudly, "Oh Leo!! Hold it in! it happens during such rides!"

Rizi laughed in response as well and held his hand. "It happens, baby! It is a normal reaction!"

"Yes, Leo! Ohwww!!" Abby squealed loudly as the cup spun around at a speed.

Rizi shook her head at both of them and turn her head to carefully observed her surroundings.

Since the time she entered, she felt as if she was being watched.

Although she had her shadow guards disguised in the crowd, this felt different.

She was connected with every one of her guards via Bluetooth just to be on the safer side.

She was paranoid right now considering Andrew's people had dispersed in the city. She knew Andrew/Stephano is the head of the mafia triad 'The Company!' She expected some movements from them.

A few of them had escaped that day when she was rescued from the jungle during her kidnapping.

Hence she was sure now after making her speak the truth using truth serum, many people were now aware of Leo along with their connection with Zain Bennetti.

She knew Zain Bennetti had enemies and that too dangerous ones but the whole twist and turns of life had entangled them both in such a complicated situation.

Her heart felt a great deal of uneasiness emerging within.

What with this weird feeling?

"Zi!! Where are you lost?" Abby questioned which made Rizi stunned for a second as she broke out from her trance. "Leo asked you something but seems like you haven't heard him!" Abby threw a swift meaningful glare in her direction. She warned her to get herself together and be cautious.

Rizi understood the hidden meaning behind Abby's glare as she had indirectly told her to gather her emotions because everyone know Leo had been a very perceptive kid.

"Oh! I m sorry baby! What were you asking?" Rizi immediately asked as her brown eyes met the youngest green ones.

"Is everything ok mama?" Leo questioned with a frown. He had sensed his mother's uneasiness already. He was suspicious that something is wrong.

"Yes, yea baby! I am sorry I was just thinking about something related to work. But that's my bad, I am sorry. We will enjoy this day!" Rizi hurriedly explained as she cupped his cheeks and Leo grinned from ear to ear.

Soon the ride stopped and the three stepped out of the big red cup.

Leo's legs turned jelly hence Rizi helped him settle down on the nearby bench for a while.

As he felt better, Rizi held Leo's hand to keep him close and walked around to explore what else they can do!

She had worn jeans and a shirt along with a black overcoat. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and a woollen scarf around her neck.

"You ok? Feeling nauseous?" Rizi voiced her concern to make Leo was feeling ok after the spinning ride.

"Yes, mama! I am great!" Leo squeezed his mother's hand to comfort her.

"Ok then! What's next?" Rizi questioned both Abby and Leo.

Abby and Leo looked at each with a Cheshire grin and spoke in unison.

"Haunted house!"

"Haunted house!"