Chapter 228- A ride in Ferris Wheel

"Yay!" Leo fist-bumped Abby and held Rizi's hand while thanking her.

"Thank you, mama!! This is the last one and then we will go back!"

"Ok, baby!" Rizi gave a pat on his head. Her son was already so understanding and mature. She promised to have him a normal life so a few minutes more she can manage and protect him.

She gave out a few instructions to Anthony and her shadow guards on the way as they walked towards the giant Ferris Wheel.

The wheel featured 18 high-tech, glass-enclosed cabins/pods, each one giving riders a spectacular view of the city.

They already had tickets so they directly went to the VIP section queue where there were hardly two-three riders ahead of them.

Soon their turn came and a pod came halted in front of them.

The worker opened the door of the pod for them to enter.

Only two people were allowed in one pod.

Abby asked Rizi to accompany Leo as she knew Rizi would only be comfortable keeping Leo within her arm's reach after that shocking news.

Abby decided to stay back and keep an eye just in case.

Rizi and Leo climbed into the pod which was a hi-tech glass cabin with a seat.

Once they were boarded, the worker gave them a few instructions and closed the door as he locked it.

Rizi held Leo's hand and pulled him close. The news earlier had disturbed her.

She felt relieved because Zack was already on it.

Soon their pod moved up and halted as others pods were getting filled with riders.

Rizi's phone rang and it flashed the unknown number, at that moment somehow she felt relieved.

She answered immediately, "hi!"

Zain cleared his throat and said in a soft yet deep voice, "Cara mia, that bounty is removed now! You can relax but still, please be careful ok?" There was a hint of melancholy along with care and warmth in the way he spoke with her.

Rizi felt her throat tighten and her eyes stung. This guy can trigger her emotions easily.

After last night, she had felt a heavy weight lifted from her shoulders.

But this news of bounty and that too on her son had shocked her to the core.

Now her son also got entangled in this complicated situation!!

"Ok, Thank you!" Rizi took a deep breath and sighed in relief.

"Is Leo okay!" Zain asked from the other end.

Rizi felt the desperation in his voice to know how Leo was faring and doing right now.

Although Zain never mentioned or asked her anything about Leo, she knew he cared for Leo! Now that she knew he was no threat to Leo or her, nor he would take him away from her; she decided to answer him amicably.

"He is doing ok. Enjoying the rides!"

"That's good! Ok then!" Zain sighed in relief at the other end.

"Ok then!" Rizi responded and then hastily disconnected the call as Leo was observing her keenly.

"Who was it, mommy?" Leo questioned innocently.

"Just a colleague!" Rizi internally winced as she responded.

"He knows me?"

Rizi realized he must have heard the conversation with the way he had derived that the person, on the other end, was he and not she.


"Who is he?" Leo curiously asked again.

At the same moment, the Ferris wheel moved and their ride started.

Leo got distracted and excitedly saw how the pod was moving up in swift fluid motion, "Mommy! look those people appear so small now!!"

Leo was in awe at the pod moving up in a circular motion. He felt some funny feeling in the pit of his stomach and giggled.

Rizi hummed in response as she observed Leo's face which was the replica of Zain as a kid.

She wondered if she should tell Leo about Zain.

How Leo will react to it?

The plethora of questions started swirling in her mind.

"Mommy, look we are on the top!! Wow, mommy!!! It is so beautiful here! Everyone seems so tiny!" Leo moved to the corner and plaster his face on the glass window of the pod as he stared downwards. He was in awe of the view and felt thrilled as it was his first time on the Ferris wheel.

Everything appeared so tiny and beautiful!

Rizi looked and gasped at the view!

It was indeed a breathtaking view of the entire city!

Although it was daytime, it still appeared magical and serene!

She stared downwards and realise how tiny everyone appeared!

Maybe that's life!

How insignificant and small we are as part of the whole universe!

We are all just tiny specks in the massive universe!

"It is beautiful!" She murmured under her lips and smiled at Leo.

A part of her heart sitting right next to her, giggling with so much joy and happiness!!

She felt glad to have accompanied him on the Ferris wheel.


"Yes, mommy!"

"Do you want to know about your father?" The question slipped out of her lips and Rizi held her breath waiting for his response.