Chapter 227- Bounty

"You are so awesome!!" Leo nodded in amusement as he agreed that his Aunty Abby was stronger.

Then, he saw his mother pacing back and forth and hollered," Mommy!!"

Rizi opened her arms and Leo ran into her embrace.

Rizi sighed in relief, "did you enjoy it?"

"Yeahhh!!! It was so much fun! One ghost crawled up from the left and one skeleton was coming toward us. Then one spider crawled near us.-" Leo gave a brief account of what happened inside the haunted house and Rizi listened attentively.

She turned towards Abby and felt something was amiss with the later's serious expression.

As she listened to Leo, they went near the snack stall and got burgers for themselves to eat not before securing the bench whereby they can relax for a while.

Leo asked for her phone as he wanted to click a few pictures.

As Leo got occupied, Rizi whispered, "tell me now!"

Abby sighed, "something was amiss! Few guys in the haunted house were not normal. Their attacks were brutal to harm Leo or me. Leo went the first time so he still thinks it was part of their act and normal but it was not, thankfully I carry a small dagger with me always."

Rizi's hands balled into a fist, "how many were there?"

"Only two suspicious ones. Rest othered we're normal employees."

"How did they recognize Leo's?"

"I am not sure!"

As they both continued to whisper and discuss further, Abby's phone beeped stating an incoming message from Assistant Han.

[We have a problem!]

Ding! Another incoming message.

[Someone has raised a bounty on Leo attaching his picture! Check this link!]

Rizi eyes widened in shock and felt as if someone just punched her gut!

At the same time, Leo spoke as he continued to click pictures, "Mommy there is one incoming message. It says there is a problem-" before Leo could read further Rizi snatched her phone from his hand immediately.

The message was from an unknown number but she recognise the number as to who this was!

It was Zain.

Her phone beeped constantly and flood of messages and calls from Jason, Sara, Elder Song, Zack, and an unknown number that belonged to Zain came in.

[There is a problem! Someone had put a bounty on Leo! - unknown number]

[Where are you Zi? See this link! go back home at the earliest- Jason]

[Zi, don't worry about bounty. I and Francesco are working with Mr. Bennetti to bring it down!- Zack]

[Oh goodness Zi! I am with Jason. Please confirm if you are ok and call us once you reach home.- Sara]

Her Bluetooth ear device started buzzing.

"Boss! Got intel from Ace! We need to leave asap!" Anthony's clear voice came from the other end.

As they all were guarding Rizi after kidnapping incident her shadow guards and Zain's guards had worked in tandem.

Rizi took a deep breath and clicked on the link.

It redirected her to the official mercenary websites on the dark web where an ad was posted with rewards of 2 billion to capture Leo dead or alive along with his pic!

Her heart skipped a bit!

Seeing Leo's innocent face and smile, she wondered how they got this picture?

Her stomach dropped at the advertisement!

So Stephano's man are already making their move!!!

[A/N- Moving foreword I will use Stephano instead of Andrew as it becomes confusing later to use both the names. Any which way they both are alias of the same person.]

Those good-for-nothing sh*theads!

They could have posted a bounty on her but they went ahead and used her son! Her son was the last straw she would not allow any god damn person on this earth to hurt him!!!

She swiftly stood up from the bench, "Leo we need to leave baby! Something urgent I need to attend!"

Leo stared at her mother's countenance and her abrupt change in the mood. He sighed, "Can we please at least go to the Ferris wheel and then go home? I really wanted to try that one!"

"Leo it's urgent baby! Mama promise to bring you next time soon!" Her voice laced with concern and tinge of fear.

"Please, mama! We already have tickets! We are hardly here for an hour!" Leo countered.


"Zi! That's Ok. It's just one more ride. He is right it's just an hour we came here. Let get done with it quickly and then we can go back! Zack and Mr. Benn-ahem will handle it!" Abby placed a hand on Rizi's shoulder to calm her down.

Seeing her unsure expression, Abby continued,

"Zi! It's ok! It is another 15-20 minutes max! There are still crowd here!" Abby surveyed her surrounding it was still afternoon so amusement park was hustled with lot of people.

Rizi hesitantly nodded and gave in, "ok. 15-20 minutes more! Let's hurry!"