Chapter 233- Are you ok?

Rizi gave her resistance and rest her head on his shoulder.

He still smelled nice and his musky cologne along with his body warmth and his rhythmic heartbeat had calmed her drastically.

Zain felt his hands tremble the way she had relied on him.

He knew she was tired there was nothing more to it but still, his heart was pounding so hard in his chest that he could hear it himself.

They kept silent and Zain carried her to the guest room.

He knew carrying her to his room will be uncomfortable for both of them.

So he had carried her to the guest room where Assitant Han had put Leo to sleep.

Zain entered the room and carefully placed her on the bed next to Leo. It was still afternoon so curtains were drawn making the room appear a bit dark.

He removed her boots and pulled up the comforter to tuck her in.

Rizi simply observed how meticulously he had removed her boots as if he had a habit of doing it.

Then he walked around the bed and tucked Leo after removing his shoes and jacket.

Once he was done, he stood up and glanced in her direction, "Ethan will send something for you to eat. You can rest for a while. Then we need to discuss what happened!"

"Yes, we can discuss now as I am not sleepy!" Rizi frowned.

Zain walked towards her side and simply pat her head like she was a kid.


"I am not sleepy Zain!"

"I know. The adrenaline rush needs to calm down Rizelle! Your steps were wobbly when you stepped out from the chopper. Even if you are not sleepy, rest for a while with Leo!"

Rizi sighed as her body was indeed at its limit. Physically she was tired but not sleepy.

"I lost my phone during fast roping I guess!"

"Take this!"

"I will be back in an hour!" Having said that Zain walked towards the door and turned around, "Rizelle?"


"Are you ok?"

Rizi gulped as her throat tightened. "Yes. now I am! Thank you! Are you?"

"Now I am!" Zain gave a swift nod and left the room after closing the door shut.

Rizi sighed.

Everything was too much. It was a near-death experience. She was not worried about herself but her baby.

Rizi turned towards Leo and caressed his cheek.

He was scared.

She knew that he was dead scared! But he had still handled himself well.

She needs to put an end to all these.

Whosoever had raised a bounty on Leo's head had crossed the last line which had broken her last straw.

That person cannot hide.

Rizi browsed Zain's phone and made a few calls.

Soon meal arrived and along came Abby and Zack.

But seeing Leo fast asleep they signalled her to rest as they decided to stay there for the time being with her in the Bennetti Mansion only.

Rizi had her meal and lie down next to Leo. She held him close. The warmth of his body helped her calm down.

Soon she drifted off to sleep!


After closing the door shut of Rizi and Leo's room, Zain's eyes glinted maliciously.

He knew Rizi will never let the culprit go. But he needs to act as well.

This was his fief and it was high time he need to make people know whom they are messing with!

He picked out another phone and made a call,

"Have you figured out who it was?"

"Francesco and Zack had tracked the IP address and found the guy! We captured the guy on time as he was about to flee. He is in the dungeon!"

"Ace, you know what to do! I need an answer!"

"Yes, boss!"

"That too, as soon as possible!"

"Your wish is my command boss!"

Zain disconnected the call and entered his study, Zack and Francesco were working on the laptop stopped suddenly and jumped out of their chair.

"How are they?" Francesco questioned

"Are Zi and Leo okay?" Zack questioned at the same time.

"She is ok and Leo as well! But whatever they tried to do, it was meant to kill them both!"

Zack and Francesco observed his demeanour as Zain took out one cigarette and lit it up. His body was excluding the deadly aura.

Soon Assistant Han entered the room with Abby. Abby appeared tired and worn out.

"Boss, Ace had started his work! This had blown all over the media!" Assistant Han informed him as he shut the door of the study.

"Abigail, did you observe anything suspicious on the ground?"

"Now that you mentioned, that group of people dressed as security personnel seemed to be suspicious. Also before that when we were in a haunted house, two workers had tried to attack me and Leo. I mean real attack and not so ghost type of scripted thing that they do." Abby explained the events of the day in detail.

Someone had put on bounty on Leo's name and then an amusement park accident.

These were two consecutive blows may be to warn them or maybe to kill them.

"How many people knew you guys were going to the amusement park?" Zain questioned

briskly as he lit up another cigarette.

"I think all of you?" Abby responded like it was an almost stupid question he asked.

"Names?" Zain questioned as turned towards the window to blow out more smoke.
