Chapter 232- first time holding his son

Zain gasped at his reaction.

He felt little animosity from the little kid although kid was small in size but appeared strong and bold.

He was like a soft puppy towards Rizi and had shown his fangs like a full-grown tiger in front of him.

Rizi tapped at her in-ear Bluetooth, "it's not working!"

"We are further away! Don't worry Ethan had informed Abby and everyone!" Zain answered

"Oh.. thank you for saving us!" Again. Rizi wanted to add that but left it unsaid.

Zain shook his head and his eyes softened.

They both were safe and nothing else mattered to him anymore!

He would have gone rampage if a slight hair would have been missing from any of them.

Leo observed subtle changes in Zain's demeanour towards his mother and then turned to look at his mother.

Rizi turned to look outside the window to avoid gaze from both little and big green eyed humans!

Leo scrutinised Zain which made the latter feel more anxious and restless.

That little guy was indeed his son!

Zain and Rizi locked their gaze. They wanted discuss a lot about the incident but considering Leo, they both kept quiet.

It was a silent understanding between both of them.

Zain occupied himself with his phone. His expression turned heavy and cold once again.

Rizi felt a chill run down her spine. Leo shivered as well.

She had never felt such a deadly aura from him.

She was also bubbling with rage but had calmed herself for Leo.

Rizi kicked Zain's foot and later realise how stone-cold he must have appeared.

He cleared his throat and then place the phone back in his pocket.

"You need water?" He questioned Rizi and then handed over a warm bottle not before opening a cap.

Rizi and Leo shared the water and then removed their life jackets.

Zain just kept an eye on them.

Those b*states had targeted Leo on his turf.

It doesn't matter if the bounty was removed but the one who posted it already knows about Leo which means many others do!

He will eradicate the existence of 'The Company!' Soon!

After around, half an hour helicopter landed on the helipad of Bennetti Mansion.

By the time they reached, Leo was fast asleep in Rizi's embrace.

As the helicopter landed, Zain stepped down first and he turned towards Rizi pointing towards Leo, "May I? You need to relax as you just had recovered from your earlier injuries."

Rizi nodded and carefully handed sleeping Leo over to him.

Zain carefully carried and cradled him.

Leo placed his head on his shoulder and then hugged him right which made Zain stiffen. He nestled further in Zain's embrace and Zain felt a warm current flowed into his body.

This tiny human was his son!

His own flesh and blood!

This was the first time he had held him so close.

He could not explain the emotions he felt at the moment. No amount of words can justify this feeling of content and fatherhood.

The myriad of emotions swirled in his green orbs.

He gulped and adjusted Leo on his shoulder. Slowly he turned around and held out his hand for Rizi.

Rizi placed her hand in his and Zain carefully wrapped her small hands into his bigger ones while he helped her step down from the helicopter carefully.

Rizi was having difficulty walking as her steps wobbled considering how weak her body was and then fast roping from the helicopter had exerted a lot of pressure on her body while carrying Leo.

Rizi observed how carefully Zain had carried Leo and her heart tugged again.

Leo appeared so small in his embrace.

Unknown to her, her eyes moistened. Leo had longed for a father but her son had always kept his emotions in check to save her the awkwardness.

Zain felt Rizi's fatigue. The way she had held his hand and the slight tremble in her body he understood she was having difficult time.

Soon Assistant Han jogged toward them.

Zain signalled him and then carefully handed over Leo to him.

Assistant Han carried Leo swiftly and then rushed towards the entrance.

Rizi watched Zain turn around and soon her feet left the ground.

Zain had swiftly carried her without wasting a second and Rizi yelped as she instinctively wrapped her arms around him.

"I can walk!"

She was about ask him to put her down as she could walk but Zain interrupted her, "Hush now! You know your body has reached the limit!"

Rizi kept her mouth shut as she knew he was correct. She was at her limit because of her recent injuries.

"I-I. Thank you!" Rizi gave up resistance and relaxed her body.