Chapter 235- Pereira Mansion

Sometime later in the eve, Zain entered the room where Rizi and Leo slept peacefully and snuggled together.

It was a beautiful sight to behold!

Although Leo shared the same facial features as him, Zain could easily point out a few traces of Rizi's resemblance. Like his lower lip and eyebrows. Also, the way both had a similar pout on their faces in deep slumber.

Considering the eventful day they had, he expected this as they both were exhausted.

After a while, he felt Leo stirred in his sleep and before he could open his eyes, Zain swiftly left the room.


Meanwhile, at the Pereira Mansion, Jason and

Arlette was called into the family luncheon meeting along with Sara.

It was every alternate day lunch and dinner, for which everyone needs to be present. This was a part of their routine whenever his grandfather is in the city.

His grandfather was an old-school man. Strict with rules yet soft in some cases. At least that's what Jason had felt till now.

But now the things revealed by Zain made him question everything around him.

A small part of his heart still wanted to believe that his grandfather cannot be involved with Stephano.

Every big company has their fair share of dirty laundry and connections in the underworld. There was nothing new to it. Anyone else would have been fine but not Stephano Rossellini's gang 'The Company'.

With a conflicted heart, he entered the dining area along with Sara and Arlette as they gracefully greeted everyone and occupied their respective seats.

During their family meeting, no one is allowed to answer their phone. It was one of the strict rules his grandfather had been following since they were kids.

It was strictly family bonding time as per him.

As the head of the family, an old man was seated at the main seat with a head full of silver hair and pale blue eyes.

His wrinkled face was set in a strict expression yet amused. Clad in a business-class suit, he oozed a strong aura.

He none other than Marco Pereira, the ex-chairman of Pereira Groups.

To the left of the old man, a middle-aged was seated which was none other than Jason's father Hugo Periera and then next to him was his wife- Jason's mother Bianca Pereira.

To the right side of the old man, Jason occupied his seat with Sara next to him and Arlette next to her.

"What is it, Jason?" The old man asked with a frown. He had observed a conflicted look on his face.

"Nothing Grandpa! Just some work. It will be sorted soon!" Jason gave a small smile in his direction and patted his grandfather's hand.

"How are feeling Grandpa?" Out of habit, words slipped out of Jason's mouth.

"I am feeling better!" The old man returned a small smile to Jason. His grandfather adored him and Arlette very much.

"You need to take care of yourself properly gramps! How can you get sick all of sudden!" Arlette continued in her usual manner and banter with the old man for a while. Thankfully the atmosphere turned light with their usual banter.

The servants served the dishes as Jason's mother signalled them.

In mid of having lunch, Jason's phone buzzed as Zack send him a link.

He clicked open the click and saw a bounty on Leo's head.

He felt as if his soul flew out of his body.

The spoon fell from his hand with a clang!

Sara immediately pressed her hand on his thigh as she raised her brow in question. Jason was behaving unusually and she was worried that might make the old man suspicious.

Jason showed her the link and Sara gulped in shock and fear. But soon recovered herself. She and Jason glanced in the old man's direction but he was busy with Arlette.

In mid of lunch, Arlette had moved her chair into the space between her father and grandfather.

Jason was thankful to Arlette for those

Jason and Sara both sent messages to Rizi and tried to call.

"I guess we are forgetting some rules and manners set forth for the family dinner!" The old man deep voice echoed in the dining room.

He was mid of a discussion with Arlette when he observed Jason and Sara using their cell phones.

"Sorry grandpa! It was just a bit urgent!" Jason explain as he dropped a few messages to Zain.

"Whatever it is, it can wait till you finish your meal! Tell me if it is that important?" The old man squinted his eyes and Jason nodded his head.