Chapter 236- Dispersed Mercenaries

Jason placed his phone back in his pocket and Sara also slowly put it back in her purse.

Although told man haven't pointed it out directly to her, she understood the swift warning under his tone.

"It's nothing. You are right! Let's finish this meal. Then I want to discuss with you one of my projects where I am stuck. I would need your guidance grandpa!" Jason gave a sincere smile to the old man which made the old man sigh. He returned his smile and nodded in affirmation of his request.

"So Jason, when you and Sara are planning to get married?" The old man dropped a question and both Jason and Sara looked at him with shock and almost choked on their food.

"What? Don't tell me you guys are not planning to get married at all?"

"No! I mean yes we will! But we haven't decided yet. We need some time." Jason answered in a calm tone. He wants to start a family with Sara but not when his best friend is going through so much.

He wants Rizi and Leo to be part of that moment when he will speak his vows with Sara.

Sara understood his sentiments and intertwined her fingers with his as they held hands under the table.

"C'mon, grandpa! Why are you so much after their marriage? You should worry about mine.!"

The old man's eyes turned soft as he heard Arlette, "isn't that fiancé of yours keeping you happy?"

Arlette mentally rolled her eyes at that fake temporarily gay fiancée, "Nope. I think I might elope with someone else with the way Theo is treating me. Haven't you seen his naked pictures in that magazine?" Arlette sighed dramatically.

Her evil side grinned as this was for Theo to put her through this whole fake engagement ordeal just to buy more time to come out of the closet.

She had cajoled Fran but it had affected their relationship.

"He was not fully naked and be mindful of what you speak Arlette!" The old man warned her but his eyes were not cold.

"What gramps! How can I allow others to watch what is supposed to be mine? I can be very petty!" Arlette huffed as she stuff her mouth with a big bite of braised pork.

"He is a professional model and your childhood friend! Stop messing and harassing that poor boy!" The old man answered as he indulge in her drama more.

"I might elope with someone gramps!" Arlette spoke with her mouthful as she loudly chew and giggled as she loved to annoy her grandpa. But the warning in her voice was true.

"What should I do with you!"The old man scoffed and shook his head in amusement.


"At the other end of the city, a group of people dressed as security personnel were seated around the table playing cards in the room of a shady and cheap hotel of the area.

But they could care less. They were there to work on a mission!

"Show!" One of the bald men with a full beard and bulky frame closed his cards and placed them on the table.

"You think he will be enraged, Demi?" The other guy who was sitting opposite him showed his cards as he asked the former guy named Demi who asked him to show his cards. His brow furrowed and his black eyes squinted thoughtfully as she rubbed his beard.

"Nope, Carlos! I don't think he cared at all! He never asked to kill them. He knew they will be saved! It was just to warn them." Demi answered as showed his cards and smirked as he collected all the money placed on the table.

"We kind of harmed other civilians as well." Mason who was the youngest in the group voiced out his opinions as he was the most nervous among them because of what they did in the afternoon.

"Isn't it too late to feel remorse?" Carlos raised his brows mockingly at the kid.

"We are mercenaries. We work for what we are paid! We are proud members of The Company. Even if the boss is missing, we follow orders and the organization needs to keep running. Understand?" This time Demi spoke with a hint of warning.

He scanned his other gang members, "Do you all understand?"

"Aye, sir!" The members chorused.

"I don't have a good feeling about this! We haven't got a lead where they might have kept boss yet!" Drake who again distributed the cards to continue playing the game among himself, Demi and Carlos spoke. He, Demi and Carlos were leading the different segments of gangs who had accepted the mission of finding their boss Stephano and keeping an eye on one lady and a kid who were supposedly their boss's daughter and grandkid. But their partner's boss, had given him a different mission suddenly, but who were they to question their bosses?

They work as they get paid! It was their simple rule as mercenaries!

"That scheming Bennetti must have done something. One of the spies mentioned he is being involved and no one in the NSA knows the location except for that field Marshal. Moreover, that stupid Chief got captured otherwise we would have known."Demi gritted his teeth and hissed in annoyance.

"He will make a move! Stay vigilant." Drake lamented as he focused on his cards.

"Meanwhile keep an eye on their movements! Go convey to everyone to be vigilant. Spread across the city." Carlos gestured to their other gang members who were listening to the conversation of their three bosses.