Chapter 237- small payback

At night, hurried footsteps sounded in the nearby alley of the farthest shady town.

Around dozen men, clad in full black with a mask seemingly covered half of their infiltrated the nearby hotels.

Their footsteps were extremely light.

"Keep your Bluetooth connected! I want to hear all of their screams!" Zain commanded as he adjusted his mask.

"Boss, why are you even here? I could have recorded everything for you. You are stealing our thunder here!" Ace pouted as he complained to his boss.

"To blow off some steam Ace! Plus we can try to find some clues. Don't forget to confiscate all their belongings!" Zain scoffed and swiftly climbed the wall and with a big leap landed on the nearby balcony of one of the hotel rooms.

"Be careful boss! That guy we killed in ally had confirmed these three are main leaders but also dangerous. They are S-class mercenaries."

"Don't worry about me Ace, go ahead and break into other rooms. Not a single one should escape tonight!" Zain gritted his teeth as he kicked open the balcony door and entered the room.

Ace sighed in dismay! It was rare for their boss to participate in missions. May the devil let their souls in hell! Ace inwardly muttered under his breath fully aware of how skilled Zain was.

He had loved to spar with Zain because the latter have amazing fighting prowess.

On the other end, as soon as Zain kicked open the door, the door fell with a thud.

What greeted him was the sight of three men pointing their guns in his direction.

He kind of expected this! They have managed to wipe out more than a few dozen of these mercenaries in the past few hours.

No wonder these three were prepared as they must have got the information.

Zain had guns in both of his hands and pointed towards them.

"We are three!" One of the guys scoffed at Zain.

Zain smirked because these guys didn't know who was standing in front of him. It was easy as to kill as fly for him to shoot three of them within a second. They didn't know who he was After all, half of his face was covered with a mask.

His green eyes glint maliciously as he slowly pulled the mask down.

"Bennetti!" All three of them uttered at the same time.

Zain smiled sinisterly, "how about we settle it man to man?"

The guy chuckled, "Afraid, are we?"

Zain scoffed, "Gunshot will be a quick death for you guys and I want to take my sweet time slice you three!"

All three of them simply set their gun back in their pockets and took out different types of daggers.

"Well, everyone had the right to get their last wish fulfilled. How can we deny yours!" One of the bald guy smirked.

"All of you attack together. Let's save some time." Zain's tepid words and his seemingly evil-like expression instantly ignited the three of them.

A man rushed forward raised his fist and punched at Zain while he tried to hit the vital spot with a dagger. Zain swiftly dodged the attack and punched him right in the gut with utmost force.

"Demi be careful!" Carlos screamed as he launched at Zain.

Before Carlos could even touch his hair, Zain kick the man's knee.

With a crack, the sound of bones breaking became exceptionally clear in the quiet environment.

Demi and Drake were stunned and glanced at each other.

They have heard about Bennetti to be skilled fighter but never expected him to be so ruthless, and they were all stunned for a few seconds. It was not until their friend Carlos, the man with the broken bones let out a wail that the others regained their senses.

This time, Demi and Drake, launched at Zain with a heavy attack. Each of their blow was intent to kill.

Zain swiftly dodged their attacks. He turned around and kicked Demi's side face with brutal force.

The man was kicked to the ground.

From Demi's action of coughing up blood, it could be seen how much strength Zain had used. Then, he punched Drake's face. That man's nose bridge was hit hard, and he let out a shrill cry. Taking advantage of the situation, Zain snatched their daggers and continued his ruthless attack on both of them slicing each of their skin and inflicting deep wounds.

The blood spurted!

Demi and Drake gritted their and fought back with equal aggression.

It was clearly a fierce fight, but there was not a trace of emotion in Zain's eyes, as if he was facing a group of people he already considered dead.

If one ignored the blood stains on his fist, one would not be able to tell that he had fought with someone before.



Soon all two bloodied bodies landed on the floor with a thud.

Carlos's eyes widened as he looked at Zain as if he was the devil incarnate.

"You're not fighting anymore?" Zain raised his eyebrow.

"Very well then. Ace come here and take him to the dungeon!" Zain commanded over his Bluetooth device.

Soon the door flew open as Ace entered along with a few more.

"Mission successful boss!"

"Good job! Now confiscate everything and give their identity docs to Zack. He will take it over to military camp!"

"Yes, boss!"

Zain swiftly left the place to go back to the Bennetti mansion where Leo and Rizi slept peacefully.