Chapter 239- To protect his gang

Rizi chuckled at Abby's innuendo.

She pulled the dish nearer and dig in using a fork. Rizi realized she was so hungry at the moment.

Abby adjusted the laptop such that they can keep an eye on the events.

Rizi stuffed a spoonful of porridge into her mouth while instructing Abby to get her popcorn.

Abby scoffed, "easy there! Seeing you eating like a pig is making me hungry!"

Rizi choked on her food and coughed Hard. She threw a glare in Abby's direction for such a stupid comparison.

Abby gave a nonchalant shrug and turned towards her laptop, "There they are!"

Rizi turned towards the screen as she continued to eat her meal and focused on the screen.

The different groups, all dressed in full black with their faces covered with masks, broke into multiple locations around the city for which they have hacked CCTV.

Abby glanced at the laptop while observing Rizi's expression. "Zi, should we call Zack?"


"Mr Bennetti?"


"Woah! That was an instant kill!!." Abby was awed as her gaze was fixated on the screen.

Rizi kept munching on her food and observed live footage.

These guys were killing like it was a piece of cake!

"These guys are savages! Tch,! Because of their mask, I am not able to determine, who is whom?" Abby clicked her tongue and continued to ramble.

"It's okay, let them be. Why do you want to see their faces? Interested in anyone?" Rizi teased playfully.

Abby blushed as Rizi hit the bull's eye! She indeed wanted to see Ethan in action.

"Though so!" Rizi hummed in conclusion and bobbed her head towards Abby. Her guess was right!

"Oh, stop it, please! But can you blame me for that? The guy is so slow!" Abby pouted.

Rizi covered her ears, "Nope! Not listening to your escapades!"

Abby laughed out loud when the sound of gunshots echoed.

They both turned towards the laptop, and the view was bloody murder.

"So ruthless, can you figure out who is Mr.Bennetti among them?" Abby asked.

Rizi didn't bother to answer her question. She had already identified Zain among the group.

Her instincts can still identify him even in the crowd of thousands and millions!

Because of the CCTV, they observed everything from afar.

Even the events inside of the hotel rooms for some places. The people of the Stephano gang were dropping one after another like a deflated balloon.

They even lost counts after an hour.

Rizi had meticulously wiped all the traces that can be tagged to any of the Bennetti Groups squad.

She knew Zack must be doing his own thing but he will realize she had interfered soon based on the algorithm. He knew her very well.

Tomorrow morning this will blow up me media with so many dead bodies.

Rizi continues to type and work to ensure none of Zain's men gets compromised.

It was a big feat! How they manage to get lost and wipe out all of them in a few hours was indeed remarkable.

In the footage, Rizi saw Zain pull down his mask and she inwardly cursed, 'that fool!'

But then it fights ended in his favour and he kept only three alive making her curious.

"Ok! The final check and wipe!!" Rizi murmured as again hit the button and lots of code started running and doubling check coverage of all the CCTV.

No one will be able to identify if their CCTV was hacked or trace it back to her!

She also altered the CCTV on the route where Zain and his other gang members were driving by.

"Now I feel tired!" Rizi muttered and turned her head sideways only to find Abby deep asleep with her head resting on her hand over the table.

It's been more than three hours now almost 3 am.

Rizi decided to take a short nap and dozed off.

Shortly after, Zain arrived at the mansion.

He made a beeline towards the kitchen as he knew Abby was there.

But the sight greeted him made him chuckled.

Rizi and Abby both sleeping peacefully with their head rested ob the table.

The strong stench of blood premeditated the air and Zain winced. He reeked of blood and death!

Zain gave a swift call to Ethan and rushed upstairs to take quick shower.

By the time, he came back, Ethan had already carried Abby to her room.

Zain sighed and stared at Rizi's peaceful face. She was the most beautiful woman!

Her delicate nose, plump lips and her thick eyelashes!

He carefully carried her and felt her stir in the sleep.

Rizi's eyelashes fluttered open slightly, she murmured, "You are home!"

"Yes I am!" Zain responded lovingly and Rizi nestled in her arms in deep sleep.

He so wanted to kiss her now!