Chapter 243- past details

When he saw her first time during her mother's funeral. College visits, courting her, and later events.

"D'Souza Corporation had its fair share of shady dealings. Hence it was easy to destroy but later on, I came to know it was just a shell company. But after Andrew died in the hospital, I thought it was all done and dusted. I wanted to withdraw that case after the next day you visited me with the request. I thought you would file an assault case against me. I was ready for that trial. Susanna convinced me to go with at least the first trial of embezzlement and then withdraw it. But you plead guilty the same day. I thought you would fight and settle with the amount received as part of your job settlement and also the shares owned by you in Cruz Corporation. But you were not aware of those shares I guess! When you plead guilty, I decided to leave the matter as it is after ensuring to notify Jason. Then I told Ethan to just assign a warden from our team and then I strictly instructed him to not let me know anything about you. It was your battle and I thought if you would some brains you would get out of the situation by yourself. I had enough of D'souzas and I just wanted to erase your existence from my mind and life, but never succeeded. But I expected Jason to come to your help. Later I never bothered to check on you. No one mentioned your name because of my strict instructions. Not until recently a few months ago. We investigated your and Lauren's profile. Everything was too perfect. Too good to be true. Then during the Annual celebration, I became sure that you were Rizelle. No one knew except me. I wanted to keep it that way. I knew you were here to settle the score with me. "

Zain placed one more kiss inside her palm and continued, "Later when I investigated the matter, the lawyer assigned to you at that time was Susanna's acquaintance. I investigated everything about Sasha, your prison struggles, she was also Susanna's pawn. How warden had trained you! I came to know you got released after 6 months. But the warden lied to me about pregnancy and miscarriage. Seems like she became one of your people after spending h time with you. Then I visited you in. For the world, you were living peaceful life working as a waitress but I knew that's not you. I had visited Beans and Creams cafe but from your scent alone I knew it was not you the previous day. So I decided to next day to test if you would be there, and true to be suspicion you were there!"

Then he explained further what happened with Sasha and Susanna, her kidnapping and everything. How Andrew was Stephano and had faked his death and every event so far. He deliberately skipped about Leo and him being a donor.

Rizi listened to everything attentively.

"About that night! Can you explain what happened?" Rizi held her breath. That night was a deep scar for her. She wanted to know even if it will reopen the wounds.

Zain looked down to avoid her gaze, "I-I don't know how to explain. Will you trust me?"

Rizi nodded.

Zain continued, "That night I and Fran have a huge argument about your embezzlement case that we were planning. I nearly gave up on the idea, but then Dino and Susanna visited me with the tape recorder of my mother. It broke me. Dino left and then Susanna was there to console me. I had a few drinks but I didn't know it was drugged. My rage multiplied and honestly, I don't remember the events only bits and pieces. I don't even recall sending you a message to come to my office. Next day when Fran called me with news about your embezzlement had blown in the media. I checked my phone and saw my messages. I put the piece together. I dreaded that webcam on my table because of bits and pieces of memories. I destroyed it the next day. Recently Shasha confirmed Susanna had purchased drugs from her and later Susanna admitted everything. Trust me please, I haven't visited your father in the hospital that night. My driver confirmed he brought me home directly. But no one believes it. Not even Fran. So then I let it be. When you visited my office, I was enraged at how you were affecting me. I treated you so badly and insulted you because I couldn't control my anger. That was so pathetic of me! I am sorry Rizelle! No matter how many times I apologise, I couldn't come to forgive myself and I never expected you to forgive me ever."

Rizi listened to everything and she believed him. She had known Zain for so many years. Man of few words for the outside world but he had always expressed his emotions in front of her. Today as well, no one would believe he could speak and explain this much.

"I believe you! If you were not drugged, would you have-"

"NO. An absolute No! I had never crossed any limit with you before that. I know my words are not that trustworthy because of what I did, but please believe me!"

Zain pleaded. Rizi exhaled in relief.

She cupped his cheeks with both her hands, "I believe you!"

She meant it.