Chapter 246-Jason’s guilt

Zain signalled the butler and a few moments later he returned with Jason and Sara.

They both were dressed professionally in their work clothes.

As soon as Jason's eyes landed on Rizi, he sighed and jogged towards her followed by Sara.

Rizi gave them a big smile and stood up to greet both of them, but Jason hastily pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tightly.

Sara wrapped her arms around both of them as her tears glided down her cheeks.

She and Jason had felt so helpless since yesterday.

With that one SMS about Leo's bounty and then that terrible mishap in the Ferris wheel, Sara and Jason both felt as if each second was equivalent to a century for them.

Although they had talked to Rizi yesterday only now; when they confirmed with their own two eyes, made they were relieved.

Sara wrapped her arms around both of them. Her eyes moistened.

"Guys! I am ok!" Rizi peeled out from Jason's embrace and hugged Sara once again when she realised how her hands trembled while hugging them.

"We both are well Sara! Relax dear!" Rizi hugged her right. She knew how deep their friendship was! She was there for her through thick and thin these many years.

Jason heart was overwhelmed at the scene and he pulled both of them once again into his embrace.

On the other side, everyone just silently watched the union. Zain felt happy for Rizi.

She had valuable friends in her life and he was glad they were with her.

"Uncle J!!!!!!!!!!" Leo's excited cheer made everyone turn their head towards the tiny figure dashing towards Jason at full speed.

Jason's heart swelled at him, he opened his arms and swiftly lifted Leo like usual and swing him around in a motion before hugging him tight.

"How are you champ?" Jason asked softly.

"I am great Uncle J! You know I followed mama's instructions and it was so amazing to fly in the sky. You know we went to the haunted house-" Leo continued to tell Jason about all the events happened so far. It was out of habit.

Jason was a father figure in Leo's life and he loved Leo like his own child.

Zain felt pang of guilt as he observed their exchange. He was jealous but his eyes showed gratefulness towards Jason.

He had supported Rizi and Leo to the best of his capabilities.

He can't even imagine what would have happened if Jason was not there for Rizi all those years back!

He owes him a lot as well!

How he wishes he could create a place in Leo's heart, but Leo has ignored his presence since morning.

He behaved as if Zain doesn't exist at all.

He decided to ponder over his thoughts later and enjoy the twinkle in Leo's eyes. His smile, his speech and his expression, everything warmed his heart.

This was his son!

Rizi glanced in Zain's direction and she felt his turmoil. Zain looked in her direction and gave her a small smile which conveyed she had nothing to worry about.

After a while, Leo chatted with Sara for a while and then went with Anthony and Ace to play outside again!

Rizi had calmed down Sara and sat next to her around the dining table. Abby also re arrange her seat and sat next to Sara.

The women gossiped and giggled. Abby was quick to update Sara about Rizi and Zain's recent developments.

Rizi rolled her eyes at Abby's blabber mouth. Sara just simply squeezed her hand to show her support and Rizi felt grateful.

Jason and Zain seated next to each other. Jason had observed the change of environment and dynamics between Rizi and Zain earlier.

He was happy but also concerned about their future. But he had seen and observed Zain for a while. He had seen the emotions in his eyes and guilt as well. He had seen the tremendous love for Rizi as well. He recognised those emotions easily because he feel the same for Sara, the love of his life!

"I heard about the killings!" Jason said as he took a sip of coffee served by Butler and broke the silence between two of them.

"It's the least I did! They owe me big time! Anyways you got my report about Austria greenhouse. It's all clear." Zain replied and continued with his breakfast.

"Grandpa left in the middle of the night! I have assigned few spies to track his movement. You can retrieve your spies as it would not be required any longer." Jason replied.

They both discussed further about their further plan of action.

"Let's eat something! I am really hungry and we have a lot of work to do!" Rizi interrupted Abby and urged them to eat and not gossip about her private life. Francesco and Zack had also joined their gossip. She had hard time controlling her blush.

Everyone could feel how she was red with embarrassment. She felt glad that Zain and Jason were busy in their own discussion.

After a while, Jason suddenly spoke.

"I am so sorry Zi! I was not able to come to tune and Leo's rescue yesterday." Jason began in soft voice but Rizi interrupted him.

"Enough J! I know you both so well! Please don't apologise for this!" Rizi gave him an honest smile full of sincerity. "You have done more than enough for us J! So please stop feeling guilty!"

She knew their situation and understood it.

Butler arrange a few dishes more for Jason and Sara as Zain insisted for them to have breakfast.

Jason and Zain exchanged a few words and all. Slowly everyone started discussing killings that have been blown up in the media.

"Evidences are sent to NSA. Don't worry! Soon this will be over. Dad is going to make an statement on this." Zack spoke and explained in detail how his father field Marshal Morris had decided to give statement about the background of the dead mercenaries.