Chapter 247- Blessing

Zack explained his father's plan. Everyone agreed to it and focused on their breakfast.


By afternoon, all over the media; the news about mass killing spread like a wildfire.

Lots of dead bodies were found at different shady hotels and it raise a lot of questions and uproar among netizens. As CCTV cameras were compromised, nothing was captured and there was no evidence. It was uproar as no one was able to determine how many killings happened overnight, it became the talk of the town and almost every news channel was on this breaking news. When NSA released the statement about the real identity of the victims as they were most wanted mercenaries, it caused more uproar among netizens.

Some praised the action and some condemn it!

As per media sources, almost everyone suspected it is a covert operation led by the military but NSA refuses to give us more information or any comments which made people feel more affirmed by their suspicions.

Although field Marshal Morris was against Zain's method, he decided to not intervene. If Zain would have left any evidence that could lead to him, then he would have had to take an action but right now as the case was registered under the local police crime branch whereby they were not able to find a single clue, he decided to let it be!

As the new chief field, Marshal Morris disclosed the identity of the victims for people's awareness as the victims were not innocents. They were killers and most wanted mercenaries.


After their harmonious breakfast, Rizi decided to leave the Bennetti Mansion and go back to her villa at Trinity Residences but not before checking the stuff Zain and his team had captured from those mercenaries of the 'The Company'.

Jason and Sara along with Abby and Zack had also left to finish their work.

Anthony had kept Leo occupied with different games available in the play area. Also, some art and crafts supply that Zain had instructed Ace to brought it over.

After Rizi was freshened up, she changed into the comfortable black tights and loose white tee which Abby has brought for her. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, and she wore a black cardigan over her tee as the weather was bit chilly outside.

Zain has brought Rizi to the underground basement beneath Bennetti Mansion. She and Zack had found this secret base on the day of the Annual event only. Previously, she was not allowed nor had access to other floors of the Bennetti Mansion even though they were in a relationship.

But today, Zain has granted her access to the whole mansion by configuring her biometrics. She could come and go anytime and can access everything. Her access was equivalent to Zain's.

Although Rizi felt her heart flutter, she felt a pang of hurt reminiscing about their past. Rizi side-eyed Zain as they entered the office in the underground and the latter just nervously scratched the back of his head as he knew exactly what was going on inside her mind at the moment. He felt ashamed about his past behaviour and winced inwardly at his foolish self.

As they entered the office, he signalled her to take a couch and then he went around the desk. He dialled a number and instructed Ace to bring the devices.

Rizi scanned the surrounding, it was a corporate office in the underground. The only difference was that everyone was dressed in a full black uniform that had the BG logo. The same uniform she had observed on Rose Island as well.

Zain was dressed usually in a navy blue suit and white shirt. His brown hair was combed neatly and his light neatly trimmed beard added another charisma to his overall look.

She looked at her own clothes and felt underdressed. But who cares! She removed her flip-flops and folded her leg resting comfortably on the couch.

The office was neutral tone and modern. On one of the walls, the whole wall lit up with a different segment of screens showing video footage of every corner of the mansion and also this secret base.

Rizi analysed her surrounding when Zain's said, "I am sorry! In the past, I didn't trust you that much to share everything with you. About this secret base and other things! I was blinded by revenge! Please forgive me if it brings some unpleasant memories!"Zain said solemnly as he sat next to Rizi and patted her hand with a gentle squeeze.

Rizi sighed as she expected this behaviour. Zain was a keen observer. He must have already figured out her thoughts based on her expressions.

Now that they have decided to move forward, the past shouldn't matter anymore. If they want to move forward, they need to stop going back to the past. It's not easy but they both need to do it if they want to move ahead and heal.

She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. She took some time to rearrange her thoughts and said softly, "Let's not talk about the past, please! It doesn't matter anymore or rather let's make ourselves forget about all that. Okay? Otherwise at every step, you, and, both will just compare everything with our past. We need to move forward to heal. You are not the same person anymore neither am I! So, let's both of us focus on healing and avoid thinking about those painful memories?"

There was a minute of silence between them. Zain intertwined their fingers and gave a nod of acknowledgement, "Yes, let's do that!"

Then, Zain wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his embrace. He felt immensely grateful to the almighty for this moment and opportunity in his life. It must be the blessings from God and his parents in heaven that he could hold her again like this in his arms.

There was no awkwardness between them any longer.

Rizi rested her head on his broad chest and closed her eyes as she inhaled his scent and listen to his rapid beating heartbeat.

Zain's heart was thudding loud in his rib cage at her words. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and held her close.

But, Their peace was disrupted as soon as Ace and Ethan entered with a big black backpack without knocking.



Both Ace and Ethan were stunned but composed themselves when they saw Zain glaring daggers at them for interrupting their moment and Rizi in his arms.

Ethan aka Assistant Han was quick to recover, "Sorry boss! We will come back later!"

"No no! Please bring that bag here. It's alright!" Rizi smiled in their direction and signalled them to place the backpack on the coffee table. She then removed herself from his embrace and said, "let's get started!"

All four of them started checking the devices. Most of them were burners phones, normal cell phones, in-ear Bluetooth and laptops.