Chapter 248- Found a lead of her mother

Two hours later:

"This is so boring!" Ace murmured as he checked the nth mobile phone and verified every application and message.

Everyone was checking everything inside each device. Rizi also instructed them to open the devices to see if they find any bugs or trackers.

It was almost more than two hours and there were still a few devices remaining but they haven't found anything important.

The messages were just one-word commands and nothing more. Their call history has few numbers which they have listed.

Rizi had remotely accessed her machine and was running some algorithms and deciphering the chip removed from mobile phones. She was also tracking the numbers in the call history as she kept taking a dump from the mobile phones by connecting them with her laptop.

Her fingers were working smoothly and at an inhumane speed. Ace was in awe watching her in action.

Zain simply followed her instructions and did what she had asked him to do. Check devices.

Zain has engaged a few more of his competent staff to check laptops and a few more devices.

Rizi had connected every device with the laptop she was using at the moment and using her software, she had copied the dump in the machine.

"We are almost there! Zain tells the other guys to give me access to the laptops they are investigating. Tell them to connect on this network!" Rizi instructed and Zain picked up his desk phone and passed on the instructions.

Assistant Han watched Zain and Rizi from the sidelines. He shook his head at how love can make one do the silliest of things!

His boss has forgotten that Rizi was none other than dark webmaster 01! The most notorious hackers and a very skilled ones at that. Zain had handed over everything to her so easily and she could easily bring him down. This base is one of their main bases and she can access, hack or rather destroy everything with a single click!

He was a bit scared. Although he trusts her and Zain, worrying about Zain comes naturally to him as the habit of all these years.

"Don't worry Ethan! I am not going to destroy this base!" Rizi spoke up as she had observed Ethan's uneasiness for the past two hours. The guy was literally on the verge of breaking point whenever she had asked Zain for any kind of access and information and the latter answered her without any hesitation.

Assistant Han smiled awkwardly, "I-I am sorry if I made it uncomfortable but I was just a wee bit concerned!" He didn't aspect Rizi to catch his worries.

"Don't worry! I will give you heads-up before destroying this place!" Then she winked in his direction and turned towards her laptop as she controlled her urge to laugh. She knew Ethan's doubt was very legitimate. She could easily destroy this base with one click.

Assistant Han's face paled at her casual remark.

Zain rolled his eyes, "Relax Ethan!"

Assistant Han scoffed nervously, "Easy for you to say!"

Rizi couldn't control herself and burst out in a peal of laughter, "Ok! Relax Ethan! I am kidding!"

Assistant Han smiled awkwardly but he was still wary of her skills.

On the other hand, Zain was relaxed. He couldn't care less if Rizi wanted to destroy this base or his whole empire. He would gladly give her everything.

"It's done! All the messages; although from different numbers are coming from this single location. These are the location coordinates. Let's check where this place is!" Rizi said as she quickly typed further on her laptop.

Zain, Ace and Ethan had surrounded her and everyone watched her impatiently as she traced the coordinates.

"It's the middle of the ocean!" Ace exclaimed.

"Indeed, it is!" Ethan said.

Rizi and Zain exchanged a knowing look.

"GPS shows nothing but there must be something there. Like a-"

"Island or Cruise or ship or submarine!" Zain completed her statement.

Rizi exhaled loudly as her body froze at the realization, "that means my mother can be here?"

It was more of a statement than a question.

Zain placed his hand on her shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze, "She might be there! We will find her and bring her home!"

Riz abruptly stood up and the laptop would have fallen on the floor if not for Zain's fast reflexes.

He placed it on the table when he heard Rizi, "Let's not waste more time! Let me align Anthony and the team. Zain I would need your help. Most specifically I would need your elite shadow guards to find out this location and run a covert operation to find my mother and bro h her back. I will call field Marshal Morris right away!" Rizi continued to blabber as she paced around the room and then suddenly searched for her phone. Once she found it, she sent it. De messages via an encrypted line to Field Marshal Morris, Jason, Abby and Zack. Then she walked towards the glass wall which display the view of underground swimming pools and a shooting range next to it.

She halted and her thoughts drifted towards her mother. She was this close now. She was worried about her mother's state. Under what condition she would find her? Myriad doubts and questions filled her mind one by one.