Chapter 249- You are not young anymore!

"Ethan and Ace, go and instruct cobras. Share these coordinates. Find out what's there and every detail about it." Zain commanded but his gaze never left Rizi who had her back towards Zain and stared out in the direction of the pool.

Zain sighed and took a few steps towards her.

When he walked behind her, he gently wrapped his arms around her and hugged her from behind. "Are you okay, Amore?"

Rizi leaned backwards on him for support as her eyes moistened, "I am scared! Scared for her!"

"Don't worry! I promise you, we will bring her back safely no matter under what condition we will find her." Zain answered softly as he held her tightly.

Rizi turn around and wrapped her arms around his waist as she buried herself in his embrace.

Zain gently caressed her spine and held her close. Rizi looked up from his embrace and gave him a gentle smile, "why does this doesn't feel awkward?"

"Umm! Maybe because it feels right?" Zain cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

"It feels right!" Rizi agreed with a hum in her voice.

They both stared into each other eyes as their faces grew closer. They both could feel warm breath of each other and their whole body would tingled with a sense of anticipation.

"I want to kiss you, May I?" Zain asked as felt he could burst if he didn't kiss her right now.

Rizi rolled her eyes and pulled him down as she plastered her lips on his. She felt the same.

They both kissed and their lips move in sync as if both were parched since ages!

"Anyone will feel as if we are progressing too fast!" Zain murmured in between as he swiftly lifted her as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Zain snapped his fingers and all the lights changed to dim and the glass turned opaque so that no one could see them. She was too precious to him.

They both kissed and held each other right as if a dam of emotions had broken and it drowned them both in this heavy downpour of emotions.

They both urged and craved for each other.

Every touch ignited that long-lost intimacy between them. They both moaned as their tongue invaded their mouth to taste each other and claim each other.

They both parted to breath some air when Rizi spoke.

"We have wasted so many years! Besides you are not young anymore!" Rizi replied as a chuckle escaped from her lips as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hey! what do you mean?" Zain abruptly stopped their kiss, lifted his head and pressed her against the glass wall as he questioned her, "What do you mean I am not young anymore?" He squinted his eyes dangerously and meaningfully but with a aghast expression.

Rizi enjoyed it as she continued further, "see, I am still young, about to enter my 30s whereby you are already what 37-40?"

"Huh!" Zain's mouth opened further in shock. This woman!

"Plus, I have heard about your difficulties in that area! So I guess you have been celibate! It must be so hard! " Rizi spoke seriously as she tried to control her expression.

"You!" Zain could not rebut her so he simply kissed her hard. He pressed her against the wall and invaded her mouth with his tongue.

A soft moan escaped past her lips as he continued to ravish her mouth.

They both craved each other and the temperature in the room continued to rise higher.

Rizi could feel his hardness poking her as she let out a short yelp.

Zain felt as if his dull existence had found colour suddenly. She was her light and his salvation.

How he had missed her so badly!!!

He control himself and then pecked her lips lightly, "don't worry about my performance! It's not like I am rusted! We have hands, you know!" Zain grinned as he gave smiled ear to ear showing perfect white teeth and a dimple on his cheek.

Now it was Rizi to gape at him. "Spare me the details further!" She closes her ears dramatically. She need not know how he used to satisfy his urges.

A laugh rumbled from deep within his chest and echoed in the room.

Rizi couldn't help but smile at his laugh. It was so rare for him to laugh so freely. Even when they were together in the past, it was rare for him to laugh so carefreely.

She poked his dimple, "Hey there, do appear frequently!"

Zain smiled and the twinkle in his eyes was enough to let her know how deeply she affected him. Rizi felt a sense of belonging at the feeling.

"I think we should plan further now. I want to go back to trinity residences!"

"Ok! I will let Ethan drop you both as Leo is still uncomfortable in my presence!"


Zain releases his hold on her and places her gently on her foot.

Rizi adjusted her clothes, "ok then!"

They both left the basement office hand in hand.

Zain instructed assistant Han to drop them both at Trinity Residence. He bid his goodbye to Rizi and Leo from a distance. Rizi responded with a smile but Leo simply ignored him.

As came back to his room, the smile on his face fell. During their intimate moment, an image from the unfateful night flashed into his mind. If not for Rizi, he would have drowned in the path of darkness. Only she can revive him from his own demons! His guilt was so deep-rooted!

Inside the car, at the same moment, Rizi's smile fell. She also had a flashback of that same unfateful night during their intimate moment but she had tried to push it back. It will take some time for both of them to erase their past.

Her phone beeped with the incoming message.

Unknown number [I am so sorry Amore!]

Rizi recognized the number and she knew the reason Zain had sent that message.

She could not control herself and her eyes moistened as she pulled Leo into a hug!

It was not easy after all.

Unknown number: [I am sorry baby! I am sorry! I would never hurt you, please don't cry! Leo will be worried!]

Rizi read another message and her frown converted to a smile.

He knows her so well!

She quickly typed back

[It's just! I don't want to remember it anymore!]

Unknown number [Please give me a chance to make this right for you! Please give me chance to erase those memories and create new ones. Please give me a chance to properly court you after we find your mother?]

Rizi smiled in full bloom as she responded [Let's do that!]