Chapter 252- Dr Ara Cruz D’Souza

Far away at the middle of nowhere:

It was 6 pm, and the sun had just started to set on the distant horizon reducing its golden ray to welcome darkness.

A facility existed in the middle of nowhere; surrounded by water on all sides. It was heavily guarded by elite guards.

Three Scientists were walking together in a particular direction. Two of them were in a relatively good mood today, while the third seemed like he was in a dilemma.

"Doctor Robinson, Should we do the more experiments with the boy and other young test subjects? He has been with us for so long. Besides, he is just a child; I don't feel like we should do this to him," A Scientist who was walking behind the other two said to the Scientist in the lead.

"Doctor Brad, You shouldn't put your personal feelings in the middle of work. You should be happy thinking that he is not useless and can help in wars!" Doctor Robinson replied.

Doctor Layman, who was the third person on the team, agreed with Doctor Robinson,

"We are doing this for the betterment of humanity and a more advanced human race; hence he became useful to humanity. Also, it would take too much time to get another research paper from that woman," he added.

"Exactly. Why should we delay our prepared research experiments when we can start them immediately? I have worked on that woman's paper to further improve this experiment." Doctor Robinson asserted.

"But this is simply torturing. The experiment is nothing but a way to see how much pain a human body can endure and how their internal genetics can improve enhancing their speed, power and stamina. It's painful for test subjects. It can even kill them if we are not careful!" Doctor Brad argued.

"Doctor Brad, always remember one thing. Only when we know the limitations of the body can we find ways to break those limitations in the future. We are creating an advanced human race with more power and life span, some sacrifices are worth it! if subjects die, it would at least be a useful death," Doctor Robinson commented.

A smirk was visible on Doctor Robinson's face, but no one saw it as he was in the lead.

"Are you doing it because your brother died when this test failed? Your brother was one of the scientists working on an original experiment with the government who died by failed subject!" Doctor Brad inquired as his tone increased a bit. His fists were balled to control his anger.

Doctor Robinson couldn't help but clench his fist abruptly as he heard those words. His face twitched uncontrollably.

"Doctor Brad! I would very much appreciate it if you don't go poking around my personal life. Unlike you, I'm not letting my personal feelings motivate my actions. My goal is aligned with the boss per se!" Doctor Robinson insisted.

Doctor Brad didn't respond as he knew that anything he said wouldn't get through to the man.

Doctor Robinson was his senior and the one in charge here; there was nothing he could do but curse him and pray for test subjects.

Doctor Brad followed him for quite some time before he noticed Doctor Robinson stopping at a metallic door.

Doctor Robinson opened the door and entered inside with the other scientists.

The space was a big lab with all modern equipment.

A woman wearing a white coat was busy studying something under a microscope.

Although in her fifties, she appeared radiant except for dark circles underneath her eyes.

She had brown hair with steaks of grey hair and brown eyes which resembled Rizelle's. Her skin was pale white similar to hers.

The woman was none other than Ara Cruz D'Souza!

She was busy making notes in her notepad.

She didn't look up even after feeling their presence.

"Dr Ara, the research failed again! It was a failure! This is the 11th paper that you have given us had failed. Are you playing us?" Doctor Robinson said with contempt.

The woman turned towards the source of the voice and innocently blinked her eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed as she shuffled some papers on her desk and picked up a specific paper to read through!

"How can it fail this time? Everything I have tested showed positive signs!" Dr. Ara murmured in confusion.

Dr Robinson squinted his eyes. He sometimes felt as if this woman was too sly. She might be fooling them all. But right now her expression was so sombre and confused.

It made him doubt his own judgement.

"I have worked further in your research so I am thinking of running an experiment in next cycle from my paper!" Dr Robinson said.

"Oh? Did Andrew approve it?" Dr Ara asked innocently as she blinked her eyes at Dr Robinson.

Dr Robinson gritted his teeth as obviously their boss is missing and without his approval, nothing can move. Gordon will not allow it. Only if the paper comes from Ara, Gordon will approve moving it to the next production sample phase. These were instructions form their boss before he left the island.

"Is Andrew back? Why didn't he come to meet me?" Dr Ara asked as she glanced at the scientists with a smile plastered on her lips and eyes filled with hope.

The smile stabbed through the heart of Doctor Brad and made him question how this innocent woman was putty at their boss's hand. He felt so bad for her but he just closed his eyes and breathed heavily.

"No, he is not back yet. Gordon will inform you. Meanwhile, give me the latest paper that you have written for verification," Doctor Robinson said. Not feeling the least bit embarrassed for talking to a woman like that, he further added. "Otherwise, god knows how many failed experiments we have to bear before we hit our next success! Hope you are not planning to get us all killed!"

His words were quite harsh for her as he snatched the paper from her hand and left the room.

The other doctors also left the room one by one leaving the woman alone in confusion.

As soon as everyone left the room, a malicious and evil glint crossed the woman's eyes.