Chapter 253- Ara's life

As soon as those three scientists left, Ara exhaled slowly and continued her work as usual with the same aloof and blank expression on her face. 

Her each and every movement was casual; as if she was confident about what she needed to do further.

Ara squinted her eyes; as she observed how the CCTV cameras in her office moved with her every movement. She was very sure these morons were even counting her each breath here in her so-called private lab known as her office which was generously bestowed upon her by none other than that devil himself.

She was meticulous and extremely cautious of her environment. Over the years, she had learned to deal with these sc*ms of the earth. She remembered each and every detail of what they did to her over the years specifically that devil in disguise, whom she had married on a whim which had proven to be the worst mistake of her life.