Chapter 254- How old are you again?

As Rizi and Leo left, Zain felt a sudden emptiness in his heart and his mansion. 

For a while, he took a silent stroll around the dining area and backyard as he reminisced about Leo adorably playing with Anthony and Ace in the afternoon and the soft laughter of Rizi rang in his ears. 

The toys and footballs were all scattered in the backyard.

He never realized he would miss both of them this much and that too this soon. 

Before this loneliness was never an issue with him as he liked his own dark world and he had somewhat accepted that fate for himself.

But now, just with one visit, both Rizi and Leo had shaken his world. Now he selfishly wants them in his life. He wants to love them, live with them, cherish them, and protect them.

His woman and their son!