Chapter 276- Grandpa Bennetti to accompany Leo

Rizi nodded and stepped out of the car, not before closing the door from behind.

Her heart and pulse went haywire. She didn't know why she was feeling clammy? Zain can handle Leo, right?

After a few minutes of discussion, Zain and Leo both stepped out with the usual expression on their face.

"Remember your words!" Leo said as he gave one last glance in Zain's direction, then went to hug his mother.

"Take care of yourself." Rizi placed a loving kiss on her son's forehead. 

"You too Mama! I will be a good boy. Don't worry!" Leo flashed his toothy smile and hugged Rizi once again.

Then, Leo left with Abby surrounded by Bennetti Group bodyguards and Rizi's own team of bodyguards.

As soon as Leo left, Rizi felt overwhelmed. When Leo was out of her sight, she felt restless. She hoped her son would not get tangled in their mission. She and Zain had taken all necessary precautions for his safety.