Chapter 277- Aunt Rima

At the other end, at Rizi's villa:

As soon as the car left the villa, Aunt Rima hurried inside and went straight to her room.

She opened her cupboard and pulled out a smartphone hidden beneath her pile of clothes. She hastily moved her clothes while she unlocked the phone.

Her fingers trembled but taking a deep breath, she dialed a number in her recent contact list.

After five rings, a deep voice answered from the other end, "What's up Rima?"

Aunt Rima took a deep breath and answered, "Master, they have left for SPringrock city!"

"Who all?"

"Right now Abby and Leo. Rizi will leave tonight. That Elder song's health is not well."

Aunt Rima gulped and informed the events that transpired today. It was her daily routine for quite some time.

Although she hated it, she was helpless. There was no way out for her now.

"You are doing a good job, Rima!" Old man Pereira praised on the other end.