Chapter 278- Loving you the way you deserve to be loved

At Airport:

Zain hugged Rizi tightly and then guided her toward the passenger seat while opening the door for her.

Rizi sat inside but her mind was still occupied with the concern of Leo's safety.

Zain placed a lingering kiss on her forehead as he fastened her seat belt, "Don't worry Amore! He will be safe and sound!"

Zain closed her door and jogged to the other side as he occupied the driver's side.

When he fastened his seat beat, he heard Rizi's low whisper with a sigh, "I know! It's not that I don't trust you; it is just that this is the first time I have sent him so far away from me and this chaos of a situation that we are in; is making me restless Zain!"

It would be a white lie if Zain had to admit that he didn't feel scared of the situation amidst this chaos! But he vowed to protect Rizi and Leo with his life if the worst come worst.