Eplilogue (1)- Wedding Night

[A/N: WARNING: This chapter contains R18 mature scenes. Please read at your discretion. If you are uncomfortable please skip to next epilogue.]

The wedding reception had been a whirlwind of laughter, dancing, and heartfelt toasts, each moment a testament to the love and joy surrounding Zain and Rizi. As the last notes of music faded and the guests departed to their rooms, the newlyweds found themselves finally alone as Leo was with Grandpa Bennetti at Trinitiy Residence tonight. The Mansion, now quiet and serene under the blanket of night, seemed to hum with the remnants of the day's festivities.

Hand in hand, Zain and Rizi walked through the moonlit gardens, their hearts beating in unison. The soft glow of fairy lights hanging from the trees cast a magical ambiance, creating a path that led them to their bridal suite which was a surprise put together by their friends along with a week-long honeymoon in Switzerland.