Epilogue(2)- Cookie Monster

"Good morning sleepyhead!" Rizi greeted Zain with a wide smile, her brown eyes twinkling with amusement. "You look like you could use a few more hours of sleep."

Zain, still groggy from a late night, stumbled into the kitchen, his hair a disheveled mess. He found Rizi at the stove, expertly flipping pancakes while managing to keep an eye on Damien, their 3-year-old, who was determined to climb onto the counter to reach the cookie jar. 

Zain placed a kiss on his son's head and then in big strides reached the stove.

"Good morning beautiful!" Zain rubbed his eyes and hugged her from behind placing a deep kiss on her cheek as he wished his beautiful wife a good morning.

"So rough night, huh?" Rizi turned her head and gave him a quick peck on his lips.