1- Mission

"Sir, we will be entering the system shortly, troops are standing by and ready to deploy the minute we enter." The humanoid dark purple figure Draxon stated as he knelt respectfully to a figure seated with his back to him facing a huge window which displayed the endless void of space.

"The operation needs to be perfect we will not have much time to subdue the planet", a thunderous voice echoed throughout the spacious command deck.

The seated humanoid figure waved his hand dismissing Draxon who wasted no time disappearing from the room. The seated figure continued to gaze out at the empty space as a cluster of stars grew bigger and bigger as the ship drifted closer to it.

"We will have less than 12 of this systems hours before they arrive." With the press of a button, the holographic image of a hooded figure appeared in front of the seated humanoid.

"We are entering the system and will soon reach the point of no return," the thunderous voice echoed throughout the room. The hooded figure slowly nodded and turned away before the hologram faded into nothing once again displaying the cluster of stars in the window.

The seated humanoid slowly shook his head, he wholly expected the reaction from the hologram but prayed that the hooded figure would see reason and call back the fleet. The humanoid figure stood up displaying his form fitted black and purple uniform with purple slash marks running diagonally across it, these marks signified his rank as royalty.

The uniform perfectly matched his dark purple skin, as he stood up two black feathered wings flexed before folding behind the figure. Faldin the third prince of the Scion civilization turned to leave the room.

Draxon, wearing a similar uniform to Faldin but where Faldin's was purple his was blood red symbolizing his Rank as a General, stood in front of 100,000 troops wearing a Similar Black and Gray Uniform.

These one hundred thousand troops represented the most elite troops of the Scion race, as Draxon stood facing his troops, a massive door behind him opened and in walked Faldin.

Faldin slowly walked a few steps in front of and to the side of Draxon. With every step a soft boom sounded in everyone's chest. The aura the prince gave off was intimidating, and if one looked closely they could see the air moving around his body.

The prince's plain face showed no sign of emotion but in his purple irises it looked as if a storm were brewing. Faldin unfurled his black feathered wings at the same time, he pushed his aura out encompassing the entire area.

His aura was thick and made one feel as if they were submerged in liquid, thunder could be heard throughout the ship. Faldin's booming voice rang throughout the area. "SCIONS, today we make history, FAILURE is not an option. We will take what is rightfully ours and no creature can stand in our way."

As the troops heard Faldin's voice they began to beat their chest his words spurring their spirit, readying them for the slaughter to come. As the shouts and cries grew, a red beacon began to flash and two massive metal doors opened revealing space and a blue green planet. "Twelve hours is all we have not a minute more, complete your mission before they arrive" Faldin said.

With thunderous shouts the troops began to board thousands of drop ships, as the ships began to descend on the unsuspecting planet.

Faldin turned to Draxon with his wings still on full display, he reached out his hand clasping Draxon's, the two looked each other in the eye and nodded.

Although they were only cousins their brotherly bond could never be broken. A hint of fear and sadness shown in Draxon's blood red irises. "Do not fear brother it is what must be done, all will work out as it should" Faldin said as he released Draxon and headed toward a singular drop ship in a corner of the giant hangar area of the star destroyer. Like his uniform the drops ship was emblazoned with purple diagonal slashes.

Draxon waited for the Prince to enter his ship before hitting a button on his wrist, "sir", a voice said out of the speaker in Draxon's ear.

"Alert me the moment he has entered the system" Draxon coldly answered the voice. "Sir but you are supposed to-" "Just do as I have instructed or I will find someone who can" Draxon interrupted.

"Understood sir I will alert you the mom-" Draxon didn't wait to hear the voice out before clicking the button once again.

Draxon stared at the now powered up drop pod the prince entered. "You will not face this alone brother" he said to himself. Then turned around to enter his own drop pod emblazoned with red streaks.