2- Earth

"Die Die Die you cheating bastards" Eli yelled at the screen as he frantically pressed the buttons on the controller in his hand.

Sam looked over and shook his head "shouldn't you be helping me sift through this data, I mean we actually found evidence of life in space, we're not the only ones, this is history in the making; how are you not freaking out about this?"

Eli paused his game and placing the controller down he pulled out a cigarette, he lit it and as he took a pull he leaned back on the couch he was sitting on and threw his feet up on the coffee table.

Exhaling, "you know you're not supposed to be-" Sam started to say something but Eli completely cut him off, "how long you been here Sam, 2 years, 3 years?" "What does that matter" Sam asked. Eli responded "This is not the first time we get some type a response, and it damn sure won't be the last, we been finding evidence since forever, but where dey at huh where are these other life forms at? Other than signals here and there and glimpses of what COULD be a ship every now and again, we've had no interaction there's no hard proof." Eli took another pull of his cigarette and exhaled "don't get your panties in a bunch man, we'll sift through that info whenever, and the big wigs will give us the same generic ass response they always do."

Sam gave Eli a dirty look then shook his head turning back to his computer screen and the mountain of paperwork next it. Hearing Sam tapping away at his computer Eli continued to berate him, "don't t go over achieving and making a cake job in bumfuck Nebraska more difficult giving them big wigs expectations and shit, this is an easy job, just coast by it'll all be go-"


Eli was interrupted by a blaring alarm horn and flashing beacon. He dropped his still lit cigarette and looked to Sam as the two of them jumped up and ran to a huge computer screen behind them with which displayed a map of the world.

Next to the world screen were two computers, Sam and Eli each sat at one and began typing as fast they possibly could. "How big is it?" Eli shouted, Sam didn't respond as he kept typing away his eyes widening with every tap. Eli shook his head and began typing even faster, sweat dripping down his bronze colored face and black chin stubble, his pony tail had some strands of grey sticking out of it. Eli sat in the chair in front of the computer and leaned back before breathing a sigh of relief, he pulled out another cigarette and took a long pull before exhaling.

Looking over to Sam "calm down buddy, it's pretty small and looks like it won't cause any damage whatever it is, just fill the paperwork out and let the big wigs know, i'll go shut the alarm off" Eli said as he started to get up still smoking his cigarette.

"No" said Sam shaking his head "what" said Eli turning to look at Sam "No" Sam repeated again still shaking his head "it's too late" he said "I told you" Eli yelled "it's too late to shoot down or intercept whatever it is but its small, the damag-" "No" Sam yelled suddenly typing faster it's not just one." Eli ran to Sam's computer "what the hell are you taking about" he yelled. "It's not just one there's thousands, and there landing everywhere I I" Sam stammered "get it out" Eli yelled.

Sam turned around pulling a key out of his shirt and went to the wall, after sticking the key in a very indiscernible keyhole a piece of the wall lifted up displaying a bright key pad behind it, he entered a series of numbers and the pad lifted away revealing a phone. Seeing Sam's actions Eli turned to Sam's screen and started typing, Sam picked up the phone and immediately someone on the other end answered "How bad?" The voice said, Sam shook his head breathing heavily trying to get his words out.

At the computer screen Eli stopped typing as his cigarette fell from his mouth on to the keyboard, lines of data kept scrolling on his screen as new red dots began popping up on the giant world display, the dots started to group together completely covering some portions of the map.

Eli put his hands on his head and wide eyed stared at Sam's computer screen which he was now sitting at. "How bad" The voice on the phone yelled at Sam who was still stumbling over his words "i i its" "an invasion" Eli whispered.