3 Celestials

"Ughhh" Kie-Lie moaned putting her hands to her head and falling to one knee. In a flash Si-Ul was there touching her hand, "are you ok my love?" Si-Ul asked.

"Ugh" Kie-Lie slowly shook her head and blinked a few times while she regulated her breathing. She looked up at Si-Ul who was kneeled down holding her "I am fine my love" she said as she smiled almost losing herself in his big brown eyes.

Si-Ul stood up pulling Kie-Lie to her feet and softly kissed her forehead as he held her hand he asked "what did you see my love?" Being a Seer Kie-Lie observed the universe, picking up on abnormalities and disturbances in the galaxy. Technology was of little concern to a Pinnacle race like the Celestials, self-proclaimed Peacekeepers of the galaxy.

The Celestials protected races who couldn't defend themselves, allowing those races to grow as nature intended, if they ascended to the stars and joined the other races then so be it. The Celestial's primary job was to protect these weak civilizations from being absorbed and destroyed without ever even having a chance to defend themselves.

"Earth" she said "hahaha then all is well I'm sure" Si-Ul loudly laughed "humanity is a young curious species they are always getting into trouble, they will be fine." Kie-Lie shook her head and looked away "it's the Scions" she said.

The room instantly grew cold Si-Ul's playful smile was now gone "how much time do they have, I must leave at once. Alert the council I will act as the vanguard to slow there march." Si-Ul turned to leave but felt a tug on his arm and turned to see Kie-Lie with tears in her eyes holding his hand. "Don't go" she said "I cannot see you in my visions."

Si-Ul furrowed his eyes in thought, "what does this mean" he asked. "All that exists is within my sight, to not be seen is to not be." Si-Ul smiled softly putting his hand on her face "all will be fine my love. You cannot see me because I am too fast, there is nothing to see. I will head to Earth and return before you know it, your vision, it is insignificant."

Si-Ul knew this was not the case but he was a being of pride and his heart told him he had to go despite the risk. Kie-Lie knew this and as she stared into his eyes she couldn't help but wonder if it would be for the last time. "Just wait for the Armada to head out, just this once don't take it upon yourself to be the Vanguard, humor this pitifully obsessed being."

Si-Ul smiled and touched his forehead to Kie-Lie's while still holding her hand, "do not worry it will be fine. A Celestial has never been destroyed, we are the eternal keepers of the galaxy. If I do not leave now humanity will fall, it is our duty to help those in need" he said.

Kie-Lie smiled and softly shook her head she knew there was no convincing him she gathered energy in her hand and placed her palm on his chest "take the power of the Seer with you-" "it is forbidden" Si-Ul interrupted. Kie-Lie laughed "who would dare tell me what to do with my power?"

She immediately walked past Si-Ul "now go, I will alert the council, protect the humans but be cautious," she yelled back as she continued to leave the room.

As Si-Ul turned to watch her leave, the orb of energy began to spread throughout his body engulfing him in a blue light which shone brightly for a moment before his body returned to its natural orange glow.

Si-Ul's vision darkened but he felt like he could see more, he felt as though he could see the fabric of time itself; "she is so powerful to be able to control such power" he mumbled to himself as he shook his head and began to leave. He knew he had to hurry, he began to sprint down the hall, doors whooshed open as he ran through them.

Si-Ul reached a massive open area which housed star ships of all sizes. Someone began to run towards Si-Ul but he wasted no time and began sprinting towards a force field dividing the hangar and the vast galaxy. "I will slow them down until the armada arrives, if we are too late the humans will be destroyed."

Si-Ul did not even wait for a response before he jumped through the force field and began flying towards earth at top speed. The Celestial who tried to talk to him stood staring into space shaking his head, he sighed before turning away "be careful brother" he whispered as he began to walk towards the council chambers.