4- End of The World


Explosions rang from everywhere rubble from buildings fell as screams were heard from all around. "This way, quickly get to safety" yelled a man wearing a military uniform with blood streaming down his face, he carried his rifle and kept looking around as he hurried along civilians into a nearby building which was designated as a shelter.


The ground shook as something landed not too far from the soldier knocking him off his feet, he quickly picked himself up and pointed his gun in the direction of the blast while slowly moving away from the door to the shelter.

Hoping to draw fire away from the civilians, he scanned his surroundings discovering a dust cloud a few meters away from him.

As the dust began to settle the soldier spotted some type of ship sticking out of the ground, this ship was the same as the other ones he'd seen which released those purple figures, but there was something different about this ship.

Cough Cough

The soldier spun around and pointed his gun towards the noise which came from behind him. There he spotted a woman on the floor trying to get back to her feet. The soldier took another look behind him at the weird drop pod which was still in the dust cloud before shouting "Ma'am, are you ok," while running over to help.

The woman was small with long blond hair and blue eyes there was blood dripping down her forehead contrasting with her porcelain skin. She looked up at the soldier with a far off expression she could see his mouth moving but couldn't make out what he was saying as she struggled to clear her head she noticed a metal drop ship in the distance, now that the dust had cleared the ship was clearly visible with its purple slash marks emblazoned across it.

Her vision began to focus on the man and his uniform, as she read his name tag she heard him yell "are you ok, can you walk," "i'm Sergeant Thomas, there is a safe house just across the street, can you make it?"

The woman who had finally regained her senses nodded "yes, yes I can walk", as she began to stand she noticed something move out the corner of her eye.

Picking up her head and looking behind Sergeant Thomas she noticed a purple figure with black wings walking towards them, her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to scream, but before she could make a sound the purple man was right on top of them.

Moments before

Faldin needed to get this mission over with as quickly as possible. While his pod descended he quietly observed a screen which displayed the locations of the Scion forces.

Their objective was to simultaneously force the numerous world leaders to surrender the planet. If they could take over the major locations of this planet quickly, by the time the Celestials arrived it would be too late the planet would be under Scion control and there would be nothing the Celestials could lawfully do.

The issue Faldin had was that this back water planet still heavy relied on democracy and the primitive notion of voting, it was unlike the advanced races of the galaxy where the strong ruled.

Faldin could not just take out Earths leader in combat and become the new alpha as he'd done to countless other planets, he had to find the leaders and "persuade" them that submitting to his rule was in their best interest.

It had already been 11 hours since the Scion began their invasion, at first many countries surrendered but as time went on the "persuasion" techniques became useless sometimes a leader could not be found greatly slowing down the momentum of the planets take over.

As Faldin's ship landed he contemplated how he could speed things up, his intelligence division told him he had no more than 1hr left before the vanguard of the Celestials would arrive. When that happened they would be in a lot of trouble for breaking galactic law and invading a planet deemed unable to defend themselves.

The galaxy was a dog eat dog world, it was cut throat and the strong ruled there was only one rule, you had to be strong enough to fight in order to be considered a part of the galaxy.

The strong don't go around beating on the weak, as far as the galaxy was concerned if you weren't strong you were invisible, and invisible planets were off limits.

The Scions were smart, because they were strong, they saw the importance the back water planets could offer to an apex society.

Besides its abundant resources the species' ability to adapt and evolve was what they cherished the most.

It was well known throughout the galaxy that humanity possessed the greatest ability to adapt and evolve, the downside was how squishy they were.

If the Scions could harness humanities ability to adapt, they would be unstoppable.