5- Take me to your leader

Faldin contemplated the importance of this mission as he watched the map of his forces location, in the bottom left corner a mission timer displayed 58 minutes and 59 seconds, 58 seconds, 57... As Faldin watched the timer


His drop pod landed, Faldin did not immediately get up. He sat there for a minute watching the timer tick down, if they didn't complete the mission soon "he" would arrive and Faldin did not want to face him, not again.

Faldin cleared his thoughts and quickly rose from his seat, as his drop pod opened and he began walking out. He could see a male garbed in this planets military attire helping up a woman, as a prince he knew the military had a way to get to the leaders.

Faldin immediately dashed towards the humans, the man had his back to Faldin and didn't see him but as he got close, the woman looked as if she would scream.

Immediately Faldin open hand pushed her away, knocking the woman far back into a pile of rubble.

Thomas quickly brought his rifle around in an attempt to rifle butt whoever was behind him, but Faldin was way too fast, gripping Thomas by the throat lifting him off his feet.

Klank, Klank.

Thomas's rifle fell to the ground as he struggled to release himself from the winged purple figures grasp.

Faldin paid Thomas's struggles no mind before pulling his face close to his as he menacingly whispered, "Take me to your leader."


Whoosh, schook, slice,

"We need to hurry this along Draxon mumbled to himself flicking blood off of his red bladed sword. He pushed a button on his wrist and a display popped up revealing the locations of his troops and a mission counter reading fifty eight minutes and 25 seconds 24, 23...

Draxon moved to dismiss the display when a frantic voice spoke in his ear, "General, General" the voice yelled "he's here"!!!

Draxon's eyes widened as he responded "I thought we had more time" he roared back scanning the display screen for a specific signal.

"Recall all troops the mission has failed" Draxon spoke into his earpiece. At the same time he found the prince's signal not far from his location.

Judging the distance, he calculated it would take him a few minutes to get there, he hoped his math was right as they'd clearly been wrong before.

"How could we fuck this up" he fumed internally. "Sir, but the prince-" the voice on the other side tried to respond but was interrupted by Draxon, "the mission is over we have failed, all we can do now is leave before the Armada arrives. I will handle the prince GET IT DONE" he yelled.

"Yes sir" the voice responded.

Draxon looked down at his beautiful red bladed sword adorned with black engravings down the sides and two white crystals above the hilt. The hilt itself was completely streaked with red and black, there was also a red crystal in the pommel.

"Don't let me down old friend, ill need you now more than ever" he mumbled gripping his sword tighter and heading in the direction of the prince's signal.



"I don't have time for your games" Faldin growled. "If you are of no use to me then you will die" Faldin said, releasing Thomas from his grasp allowing him to drop to the ground.

Thomas looked up at the purple figure and his huge unfurled black feathered wings which gave off a menacing aura.

Blood dripping down his face, Thomas laughed and spit some blood on the ground next to him "you'll have to do better than that if you wanna get info outta me you purple bitch."

Faldin furrowed his eyebrows but as he lifted his hand falling rocks and shuffling were heard, out the corner of his eye a blonde haired woman with blood running down her face slowly began to stand up.

Faldin smiled as he saw this, with an evil grin he looked at Thomas "you may be a stubborn little insect but how quickly will she break."

"No" Thomas yelled but before he could say anything more, Faldin was already in front of the woman staring down with his sinister smile.

The woman was frozen in fear. Out the corner of her eyes she noticed Thomas trying to climb to his feet and laying a little next to him was his rifle.

Her eyes darted from Thomas to the rifle and back to Faldin who just smiled his evil smile. "You have zero chance of escaping just tell me what I want to know and your deaths will be quick" Faldin said.

The blonde haired woman just stared at Faldin her mind furiously trying to come up with a way out of their hopeless situation, after a few seconds she gave up. "Fuck it" she thought to herself and spit blood in Faldin's face.

Faldin's dark purple face turned red with fury "I will enjoy this" he angrily said wiping the blood off his face.

"As will I" said a bright orange glowing figure hovering in the sky above the trio.

"Fuck" mumbled Faldin who immediately recognized this voice as Si-Ul the Celestial. "What went wrong," he thought to himself. "How did he arrive so quickly we should have had more time."

Inwardly Faldin was furious but he simply looked up at Si-Ul who gave off an orange glow and smiled, "so this is what it's come to he thought to himself."

"Don't do it third prince as much as I will enjoy this, at least have the foresight to know when your beat" Si-Ul said still smiling.

"You shouldn't have come, i'm sorry," Faldin whispered then he took off in the opposite direction. Si-Ul only shook his head "this is going to be fun" he thought to himself.