6- Overpowered

Faldin didn't get far before Si-Ul appeared right in front of him. Faldin expected this having been thrashed by Si-Ul before, he knew very well he was no match for the Celestial.

Still, he had a mission and today Si-Ul would die. Seeing Si-Ul appear in front of him he spun around unleashing a roundhouse kick towards Si-Ul's face which was easily blocked.

Faldin was an elite fighter and his speed was unprecedented amongst the Scion. After the kick he threw a right punch which Si-Ul easily dodged but Faldin only sped up as his wings opened wider and his body emitted an ominous purple glow.

He was so fast that all the humans could see was a purple blur flying around Si-Ul from all directions. Faldin pushed his speed to the limit punching and kicking at Si-Ul who continuously dodged or blocked the attacks, Si-Ul actually looked bored.

"Give up little prince do not make me hurt you, there is no need to add to your crimes" Si-Ul said. Faldin backed away and furrowed his eyebrows "you won't live to report anything" he sneered.

The aura around his body changed and black smoke could be seen coming from his hands which slowly started to transform into sharp claws, his skin began to look scaly as well. Observing this change Si-Ul lowered into a proper fighting stance, "come" he said as Faldin dashed towards Si-Ul with claws extended.

Si-Ul likewise dashed towards Faldin pulling his hand back to unleash a punch but right before claws and fists connected, Si-Ul sensed danger behind him and quickly sidestepped away from Faldin, stopping almost 20 feet away. Grasping his neck he felt a warm trickle and when he looked at his hand he could see the syrupy dark orange celestial blood on it.

Anger shown on his face changing his bright orange glow to a darker violent orange hue, he turned towards Faldin who was ready to attack again. Standing next to Faldin was another Scion, but this one was garbed in a black and red uniform and had no wings. Si-Ul immediately recognized him as Draxon, the prince's cousin and General of the Scion fleet.

"I should have known the two of you would be working together" Si-Ul sneered his face twisted in anger, he had been careless and it almost cost him. "Why are you here" The prince said to Draxon not taking his eyes off of Si-Ul, "leave, that is an order" he hissed.

"You have to be alive to give orders" Draxon calmly responded, "you can punish me when we make it out of here, I will accept all consequences then." Faldin shook his head "thank you brother" he whispered.

"The two of you have gone too far, I intended to not kill you but it looks like the Scion will lose two of their geniuses today" Si-Ul said before he became a blur headed towards Faldin and Draxon. A red aura coalesced around Draxon's body who also grew claws, his red irises split in half creating 4 red irises in total, and two small horns started to grow from the corners of his forehead making him look like some type of demon from hell.

The two Scions became a blur and dashed towards Si-Ul the impact when they clashed blew rubble and debris everywhere. The blonde woman who was quite far away still felt the impact of the clash and moved to cover Thomas. Seeing her using her body to protect him brought him back to his senses. "we have to get out of here, help me up" he said.

The blonde woman helped him up "grab my rifle" he said, nodding towards his weapon which was lying on the floor.


The noise drew the two human's attention, as they looked towards the battle they saw the two demonic purple looking figures trying to rise from the floor as a shining orange reddish figure floated in the air towards them.

Si-Ul did not give them any time he dashed towards Draxon and kicked him in the chest flipping him over. Faldin saw this and tried to take advantage and attack Si-Ul who just turned around unleashing a punch right into Faldin's stomach knocking the air out of him.

As Faldin kneeled over Si-Ul clasped his hands together and brought them down on Faldin back smashing him to the ground. As he hit the floor cracks formed from the point of impact.

"Noooo" yelled Draxon who ran at Si-Ul with his sword glowing the clear crystals now shining dark red making the blade look evil.


Si-Ul dodged every one of Draxon's blows, after the last slash he grabbed Draxon's wrist and twisted. Draxon dropped his sword which immediately lost its red glow as Si-Ul began punching him in the face


Draxon finally hit the ground barely able to open his eyes.