7- Killing a Celestial

"You won't be able to save everyone" Faldin sneered as he began running towards the two humans who's eyes opened wide seeing the purple demon coming towards them. Si-Ul was disgusted at the cowardly behavior of Faldin and hurriedly ran to stop him.

As he got close enough to grab him Faldin swung around brandishing a dagger which gave off a very dark orange red glow. Si-Ul was not fast enough to stop the blade and Faldin rammed it into the side of his stomach


"Agghhh" Si-Ul screamed, looking at the dagger in Faldin's hand his eyes widened "how do you have this dagger," he yelled instantly recognizing the blade.

Si-Ul was bleeding profusely and the blades power weakened him drastically, he was almost as weak as the humans he was trying to save.

"Dead men shouldn't ask questions" Faldin sneered as he went to stab Si-Ul again.


The dagger flew out of Faldin's hand who spun around and saw the human in military clothes. Holding his weapon Thomas continued firing towards Faldin, and while the bullets could not penetrate his scaly skin the pain was still unbearable.

Faldin covered his face with his wings and headed towards Thomas who continued firing. "FALDIN" the prince suddenly heard his name called and spun around only to catch Draxon who was now falling on top of him with a dark orange dagger in his back.

Faldin was shocked, he didn't understand what had happened, his eyes rested on the blade sticking out of Draxon's back. Looking up he noticed a woman with blonde hair standing close to them.

Putting two and two together, "YOU" he roared, madly staring at the woman. He pulled the dagger out of Draxon's back and slowly walked toward her.

The blonde haired woman could not move under Faldin's suppressive aura. Thomas continued firing his weapon but it had no effect on Faldin who continued to walk towards the blonde woman.


Faldin slashed the dagger across the woman's chest who fell to the floor barely breathing. Faldin turned around and began to walk towards Thomas.

Noticing that Si-Ul was still breathing he turned towards him deciding to take out the bigger threat first.

Faldin stood over Si-Ul, "you shouldn't have come he said" shaking his head. "We do what we must" Si-Ul responded looking into Faldin's eyes not showing an ounce of fear.

Faldin sighed, "yes we do what we must." Faldin raised the dagger and just before it reached Si- Ul Faldin was engulfed in a blue orb.

"NOOO" he yelled looking up as a blue glowing feminine figure slowly floated towards Si-Ul. kneeling next to him she touched his face and put her forehead to his.

"Are you ok my love" she whispered with tears rolling down her face. "I am now" Si-Ul smiled closing his eyes.

"Good," she said making a pouty face while playfully slapping his shoulder. "Si-Ul laughed as he winced in pain, "looks like I over did it a little" he said.

Four glowing light blue beings appeared in the area. "Faldin Third prince of The Scion, you are under arrest for damaging and attempting to enslave a protective race. You will be taken in to Celestial custody and tried for your crimes" one of the blue figures loudly stated.

Hearing this, Faldin fell to his knees. He'd failed and would be tried and executed. He was screaming on the inside "why, why did we have to invade this place why risk this mission." He didn't understand why he was forced on such a risky mission.

Beep Beep Beep

A beeping noise caught everyone's attention. Kie-Lie glanced towards Draxon's body where the noise was coming from.

She walked over and kneeling down she turned over his body, her eyes went wide as she saw the small baseball sized orb in Draxon's hand. "A dark energy atomizer" she said putting her hand to her mouth. "How" she thought, hearing her words the whole area was now on high alert.

"Clear out quickly" one of the glowing blue figures yelled, the voice snapped Kie-Lie out of her daze. "This whole planet will die" she thought.

As she turned to face Si-Ul who was trying to stand up, she noticed Faldin running towards him wings spread with a dark orange glowing dagger in his hand.

After seeing the bomb, in her moment of shock she released the force field around Faldin who wasted no time sprinting towards Si-Ul to finish him off.

"SI-UL" Kie-Lie yelled, hearing her voice Faldin knew he was out of time he gathered all the energy he could into his right hand as the dagger began to glow brighter he threw it with all his strength at the unsuspecting Si-Ul.

Kie-Lie could only stare wide eyed, but before the dagger hit Si-Ul, a man in military attire tackled him. The man wasn't fast enough and as he pushed Si-Ul to the ground the dagger struck him in the side knocking him away.

A trail of blood was left as the man rolled a few yards away from where Si-Ul was. Faldin was furious but had no time to think as Kie-Lie appeared in front of him.

She began pummeling Faldin, but another blue figure appeared next to her placing something on Faldin's wrists. The blue figure engulfed Faldin and himself in a force field and the two flew in to space.

Si-Ul was now standing over Draxon's body observing the beeping bomb in the purple man's hands.

"It is too late my love, the planet is doomed. I will stay and absorb the bomb into my body destroying it" Si-Ul said. Kie-Lie shook her head and kissed Si-Ul on the lips.

Touching Si-Ul's chest Kie-Lie engulfed him in the same blue force field that had restrained Faldin earlier. "What are you doing" Si-Ul shouted as he banged against the force field.

Kie-Lie put her hand on the orb and smiled "you are too weak to absorb the bomb, but your power will return.These humans saved the very best part of me and I I owe them a debt I can never repay. The least I can do is give them a chance."

"Don't do this" Si-Ul yelled banging against the orb as it rose up towards the sky "It is ok," Kie-Lie whispered.

She turned away and began walking towards the bomb, the orb containing Si-Ul flew up out of Earth's atmosphere.