8- Sacrifice

Kie-Lie kneeled next to Draxon and attempted to grab the orb, but suddenly she was grabbed by Draxon.

He looked into her eyes with his two now dim red irises, "you shouldn't have come" he whispered. With his last bit of strength he crushed the orb.

At the same time Kie-Lie's eyes widened and she dove on top of the hand holding the orb as a bright blue glow extended from her body.


The blast was blinding and a bright blue glow expanded out from where the two were. The blue glow expanded and covered the entire planet sending a massive shockwave throughout the galaxy.

Si-Ul who was still beating on the blue orb suddenly fell through it. As it disappeared he attempted to fly back down to the planet but was blown back by a massive shockwave that knocked him unconscious.

Si-Ul now unconscious was knocked far away from the planet and continued floating through space. As he floated further from the planet the orange light of his body began to dim as a trail of orange syrupy liquid floated out from his side.

Once the shockwave dissipated a ship 10 times the size of Jupiter appeared in the system.

Looking out of a giant window was a glowing blue figure with tears rolling down his face. "Good bye daughter" the figure whispered.

A door opened behind the blue figure and another blue figure, the same one that Si-Ul ran past earlier strode in. "Sir, Faldin third prince of the Scion has been apprehended the planet is saved," the blue figure proudly stated.

Da-Neel remained staring out the window and shook his head "but at what cost," at what cost," he whispered.

Ju-un's eyes widened as he looked past Da-Neel and observed the Earth which now had a bright blue aura around it. "Brother" he whispered.

"Call an emergency meeting, all dignitaries must attend we will decide the fate of the scion race," Da- Neel turned around and said to Ju-Un.

Da-Neel's brow furrowed in anger as his blue skin began to turn a darker shade and his aura rose. "The galaxy will learn the consequences for killing a Celestial."

In an Enormous stadium like hall many beings sat facing forward. There were beings of all shapes and sizes. Everyone sat facing the center where a blue orb floated. Faldin third prince of the scion was sitting inside.

Behind the blue orb was a platform where a dark purple scion sat covered in a black uniform with purple and gold streaks across it, similar to the one Faldin wore, but this uniform also possessed purple and golden gems on the shoulder.

Next to this figure sat another figure in a hooded robe that covered their face, this was the same figure Faldin had reported to before the invasion. In front of the Scions was a tall platform where Five Celestials sat, each one a different color.

There was red, green, orange, and yellow. In the center of the Celestials on the tallest seat sat the blue celestial Da-Neel.


Da-Neel's voice reverberated throughout the hall. Immediately every beings attention was focused on him.

Da-Neel stood up and looked around at the various creatures and spoke, "the galaxy is a tough place, only the strong survive, and only the strongest rule. Some may even say it is lawless however, the powers here all know of the galaxies ONE RULE."

"The Scions have disregarded this rule in its attempt to enslave the Earth, a protected, weak species.

This is one thing as we have all seen the ambition of the Scions and how they like to tip toe around the rules, "persuading" systems to join them."

As Da-Neel spoke, he stared at the Scions sitting on the center platform, "this time however in their greed, they caused the death of not one but TWO CELESTIALS" Da-Neel yelled as his blue body turned a dark almost black shade and his aura spread throughout.

The beings in the stand audibly gasped and some even screamed, a few of the weaker races began to bleed from whatever orifices their body possessed.

Da-Neel retracted his aura and his body slowly returned to his normal bright blue shade. Da-Neel cleared his throat and the crowd went quiet once again. "We Celestials have grown lax in our duties of protecting the galaxy, but no more," he said.

The Scions will be severely punished, they will pay reparations to the earth in the amount of 10 super nova cores."

Hearing this the crowd gasped once again and the seated Scion king rose to his feet.

"PREPOSTEROUS you can't do this" he yelled. At this all the Celestials on the stand stood, released their auras and glared at the Scion king, through gritted teeth Da-Neel spoke "the strong survive, and only the strongest rule".