9- Trial

The king could not resist their aura and immediately sat down. Seeing this the Celestials retracted their aura and sat, which came as a relief to the crowd as many of them almost died.

A laugh was heard from the seated hooded figure, "you speak of strength after crying about Celestials dying, perhaps you are not as strong as you believe" the hooded figure said.

The crowd went wide eyed and some panicked thinking of Da-Neel's response however, the Celestial only laughed and nodded his head then clenched his fist as the blue orb holding Faldin shrank and splattered blood everywhere.

The crowd gasped, as this animosity was uncharacteristic of the Celestials. Clearly they were upset and would make an example of the Scions.

The king rose, clearly distraught over the death of his son. He quickly raised his sword, similar to the one Draxon carried but his was purple with gold etchings down the side and had 2 clear crystals above the hilt which now shone purple.

He swung the sword at the neck of the robed figure who immediately stood up. Dropping the robe and quickly dodging the swing, the hooded figure revealed an orange glowing dagger and stabbed it into the king's neck.

Everyone including the Celestials were shocked by this reaction and stared at the two figures. Purple blood dripped from the kings mouth as he whispered "why"?

The hooded figure now revealed to be a purple woman with wings folded behind her back, long horns that arched toward her back and four red irises. She donned black armor with splashes of red, purple, and gold.

The woman simply smiled and said "because you are weak," then twisted the blade before removing it, allowing the king to drop to the floor dead.

She picked up his sword and sat back down placing it on her lap and spoke, "as the new queen of the Scions I give into your demands of 10 super nova cores. I also offer up the death of the third prince and king of the Scions. With this I believe the trial is over".

Da-Neel was shocked, this was an unexpected turn of events. Composing himself he rose as did the other Celestials "you will also remand the dagger to us as it does not belong to you".

The purple woman nodded and removed the dagger. It was immediately encompassed in a blue orb which floated towards Da-Neel.

The woman got up, donned her cloak and left to sit in the stands with the other Scions.

Da-Neel's voiced bellowed throughout "the trial has ended, now we will discuss the fate of the Earth and humanity."

Da-neel was quiet for a minute as he thought about how to deal with the earth.

A voice spoke up "great Celestials perhaps we can offer assistance."

Everyone turned to look in the direction of the voice as seven different colored wisps floated towards the blood covered platform.

Immediately the crowd began to whisper and speak amongst themselves. Da-Neel cleared his throat and the crowd went silent.

The wisps made their way to the platform and their shapes changed into different colored humanoid spirit like creatures. They were barely discernible, but it was clear that the figures were all kneeling.

"Elementals, speak, what is it you have in mind" Da-neel asked. The seven different colored Elementals blue, white, brown, yellow, green, purple, and red remained kneeling.

The red Elemental who was kneeling in front of all the others lifted his head and spoke. "Great Celestials, as you know the Elemental race is one that is often abused and used by others, as we require a host to increase our strength.

As a symbiotic species, we are alone weak, but when we "unite" with a host the potential is limitless.

It is unfortunate what has happened to the humans, but with the Earth and humanity now drenched in the Celestials life blood, the planet and its inhabitants, no, the entire system cannot go back to the way it once was."

"We do not need you to explain the current state the system and humanity is now in. Nor do we need a lesson on the Elemental species. what is your idea, speak plainly" Da-Neel said staring at the red elemental.

The red elemental nodded and spoke again, "I apologize Great Celestial. We Elementals would like to live amongst the humans, and become part of them." The crowd became restless, booing and shouts of ridiculous and no way were heard.

"SILENCE" yelled Da-Neel, "continue" he said to the red elemental.

The red elemental nodded, "this system will become a treasure and many will vie for it.

Clearly the Celestials are able to ward off these future threats, but by allowing us to "unite" with them, humanity will gain the ability to defend themselves and possibly the ability to join the rest of the galaxy".

The red elemental continued, "until now humanity has been unaware of the galaxy and believed they were the only ones, with our knowledge we can help them grow."

"You mean you can help yourselves grow" the hooded figure yelled from where she sat.

"Quiet" Da-neel said "the Scions are the reason we are in this predicament in the first place, your opinion holds very little in this discussion" Da-Neel stated as he glared at the new Scion queen.

Da -Neel looked back toward the red elemental and spoke "there is truth in what the Scion says you are to benefit greatly from "uniting" with the humans, perhaps more so than humanity itself, why should we allow this union"?

The red Elemental sighed and looked back to his colorful brethren who all looked at him and nodded.

With that silent assurance the red Elemental looked back towards Da-Neel and spoke, "our species is dying".