10- Verdict

Murmurs rose from the crowd, "let him speak" Da-Neel bellowed, quieting everyone once again.

The red Elemental continued "our numbers have been dwindling for quite a while now and we fear if we do not have the ability to "unite" with another species our numbers will continue to dwindle", putting his hand in his chest he pulled out a small black flame.

The flame was more gray than black and seemed to be dimming by the second. "This is the last of the Chaos Elementals, as you can see he is dying."

Da-Neel's eyes widened at the sight of the flickering flame, he had been shocked too many times today, without the power of the seer the Celestials were essentially blind.

They were unable to prepare and would be reactive in all there doings until another manifested the seer's sight.

Da-Neel looked to his brethren seated around him who were also shocked by these revelations. As they all looked to him they each nodded their heads in silent agreement.

Da-Neel sighed, looking back to the red Elemental "bring the Elemental here" he said.

All the Elementals shivered and looked towards Da-Neel fearing for their kin. "It is fine" the red elemental said as he floated up towards Da-Neel and handed him the flickering black flame.

Da-Neel cupped his hands and closed his eyes, for a second a blue light could be seen and the flame became darker, he then passed the flame to each of the Celestials seated near him who did the same.

When the flame was handed back to Da-Neel everyone could see it was now pitch black and seemed to possess streaks of other colors.

As Da-Neel handed the flame back to the red elemental it jumped out of his hand and began dancing around. "Come little one" the red elemental said.

The flame stopped in midair and floated back towards the red Elemental, a silhouette of a child appeared "thank you uncle" the child said before turning back into a wisp and disappearing into the red Elementals chest.

The red Elemental returned to the platform with the other Elementals who all wore smiles. He kneeled and thanked the Celestials again. The crowd was speechless, the blessing of a Celestial was a big deal not to mention the blessing from five of them.

The Chaos elemental was a treasure and anyone who "united" with it would become extremely powerful.

Once this realization hit, voices from the crowd rang out from all over.

"We offer our home and bodies to the Elementals".

"No we offer our species to the Elementals".

"We offered first"

"But we are stronger".

Shouts and arguments began from the crowd but Da-Neel had grown tired of the interruptions.

Releasing his aura he glared around the room as everyone fell silent once again.

"We have come to a decision" he said. "The Elementals will call Earth home. They will help and guide the humans, giving them the ability to defend themselves and perhaps one day join the galaxy. Humanity will remain a protected species for 100 of this systems years or until they possess the ability for interstellar travel and a galactic station of their own, whichever comes first."

After his decision Da-Neel and the other Celestials rose from their seats as did the rest of the beings in attendance.

The Celestials departed and the others began to depart as well including the Elementals who had turned back into wisps and disappeared before anyone could approach them.

As the crowd dispersed the hooded figure remained seated, interesting turn of events she thought to herself.

The point of the Scions invasion was to get rid of the king and the third prince, the Queen cared nothing for this backwater planet. If they were successful that would be good, but she knew they would not be.

Seeing the Chaos Elemental and hearing of the unexpected change to the Earth had sparked a new interest in the fledgling world.

"We can wait 100 years", but why not push them along and speed up the process" she thought to herself.

A smile was on her face which no one saw as her hood once again covered it. She rose from her seat and exited the stadium like hall followed by the scared Scion dignitaries.

The Queen stopped, turned to her new dignitaries and spoke, "when we deliver the super nova cores be sure to include the technology for interstellar space travel and weaponry, offer blueprints and information to technology that will enhance the system and allow them to join the galaxy sooner."

She shook her head frowning "it is sad what the former King and third Prince have done to this system, gifting them this knowledge is a small gift on our part."

As she turned and continued to leave, she thought to herself "we will take it all back anyways."