11- Home

The Elementals appeared in the sky at ground zero. The 7 elementals scanned the area of the Celestial explosion, they stared in shock as the view below was not what they expected.

Where the city once was there was now a giant crater. The air all around was thick but breathing in the air made them feel powerful.

The epicenter of the explosion gave off a power which reminded the Elementals of the aura possessed by the Celestials.

The red elemental nodded his head, "the power here is extremely concentrated, our species will once again thrive." the red Elemental said.

The green Elemental came forward "how should we integrate into humanity, will they accept us" she asked.

The purple Elemental spoke up next "we should tell them we are an aftermath of the explosion, an unexpected side effect granting us sentience and them power."

"Is it wise to lie to them" the yellow Elemental asked.

The white Elemental responded, "they have been through so much, in an instant their whole planet was changed. If we tell them we came from space they may not accept us. Besides we're not lying, just stretching the truth, as we are here due to the aftermath of the explosion."

The red Elemental nodded his head "agreed, we want them to accept us as their own so lets stick to the aftermath story, for now lets expand. Spare every bit of power you can and release pure traces of your element to create more of our species" he said.

All the elementals began to glow bright and little specks of color, similar to fire flies began to come out of their bodies spreading out into the world.

After a short while the Elementals stopped glowing, but each of them looked smaller, and not as bright as they previously had.

There were two ways Elementals could come into being. The first was when there was a strong gathering of elemental energy, this was rare and could not happen just anywhere as conditions needed to be just right.

The second was when older Elements gave off their life force. By sacrificing pieces of their life the surrounding natural elements would gather with the wisps given from the elders and form new Elementals.

"That was exhausting" the white Elemental said while smiling "but at least our species will live on" added the brown Elemental.

A child like laugh was heard as the Chaos Elemental in his child form jumped out of the chest of the flame elemental. "Me too me too" it shouted as it strained to release some of its essence.

"No" all the Elementals shouted at the same time, but it was too late, two extremely small firefly like wisps came out of the child and flew away.

"Whoa, i'm sleepy now "the Chaos Elemental said as he visibly shrunk into a black flame and began to fall.

The red Elemental swooped down and caught the small flame. Staring at the small flame he stuck it into his chest while shaking his head.

"Oh little one, what will we do with you" he said.

Turning to the other elementals the red Elemental spoke "spread your seed throughout the world build and help the humans grow".

The Elementals nodded and flew off in different directions.

As the fire elemental began to fly away he noticed something down on the ground. He flew closer to get a better look and was shocked at what he discovered.

When he reached the ground he saw two humans, one wearing a military uniform laying on top of a woman with blonde hair. They were alive and seemed to be coming to, the red Elemental was shocked.

He couldn't believe there were beings still alive, especially so close to the epicenter of the blast. "How did they survive" a voice said, turning around the red Elemental saw it was the purple Elemental who had returned.

"I don't know, but more importantly why are you back, I thought we would all spread out" the red Elemental said.

"I felt a strange presence and was worried about you" the purple Elemental said.

"Besides you can't do anything without me, that little one will run you ragged the purple Elemental added while laughing.

The red Elemental only frowned and shook his head, "perhaps we should remain with these two. I sense something special from them" the red Elemental said.

"Then let's go help them" the purple Elemental said as she walked over to the two humans who were now coming to.

The Elementals were currently in North America, in what used to be New York, as the other Elementals flew away they could not help but be excited. As they set out they felt drawn to certain places for reasons they could not explain.

The yellow lightning Elemental, flew towards Alaska, and the white wind Elemental towards Australia.

When they first arrived on the planet the blue water Elemental noticed a beautiful set of islands in the sea, she headed towards Hawaii.

The green time Elemental headed towards China, and the brown Earth Elemental towards Russia.