12- Earth 50 years later

The Elemental's integration into humanity was pretty smooth, considering what had just happened.

There was death and destruction everywhere, many big cities in countries all over the world were hit hard.

The hardest hit was New York, the entire state and parts of the neighboring ones were destroyed.

A Celestial monitored the planet for a while and helped humanity understand what had happened. Slowly the planet began to rebuild.

Due to the Celestial energy that the planet was now drenched in, the whole world was changed, every being was now stronger.

The creatures of the world mutated becoming stronger and deadlier. Humans had way more vitality and were less squishy, broken bones and sickness became a thing of the past.

The Elementals thrived in this energy rich new world. It was easy to find a human to unite with and after a few years most humans were more than happy to do so.

After about 10 years humanity and the Elementals began to thrive, a sense of normalcy was established.

Humanity became pretty good at harnessing the elements, being a creative species they came up with tons of innovative ways to use these newfound powers, enhancing both themselves and the Elementals.

Some humans tried to mimic famous movies and books and began wearing robes and using wands. As silly as this sounds it paved the way for further innovative ideas down the line.

Using a wand would allow one to focus energy on a specific point before casting it out, it helped focus the casters concentration.

This became common practice for young children, learning how it felt to focus energy made it easier to wield the elements into different shapes and sizes.

This chain of thought led to others imbuing items with the elements, creating armor and calling themselves knights. This was really big in places like England.

Making armor and imbuing items was a difficult process as you needed a good material to hold the energy. Humans developed ways to power everything and anything, fossil fuel was a thing of the past.

At about the 12th year the Scions returned, but this time they were here to pay reparations.

The 12 super nova cores, technological blueprints, and tons of other knowledge was given to the Earth to atone for the destruction the Scions caused.

Super nova cores are the cores of a star at the moment before it explodes. There is a special process and material used to capture and hold the energy of the dying star.

If not done perfectly an attempt to make a Super Nova core almost always results in death.

Super Nova cores were extremely rare, you had about a million to one chance of succeeding while making one, so anyone could see how this was believed to be a big hit to the Scions.

The cores would be placed into the atmosphere of the planet slowly releasing its energy into it, benefiting the planet and its inhabitants.

The Earth was once against doused in energy. It was like humanity was wearing rocket boots. They got another evolutionary jump, every aspect of their body and mind increased.

Feats previously unimaginable were now not a big deal, such as remaining under water for hours.

The creatures of the world became smarter and stronger as well. With the new technology and changes to their bodies humans were still able to remain at the top of the food chain.

With the new technology humanity flourished and advanced, but humans being humans greed set in and wars began.

After much bloodshed the world came together and formed a world council who shared equal responsibility in the well being and advancement of the entire world.

The world council had difficulties at first, but eventually they began to work together which benefited everyone.

There was no longer a need to fight for the abundant amount of resources they now possessed.

At year 40 work on the intergalactic space station was started, they already possessed the technology to travel the stars and now hoped to join the galaxy and expand.

Knowing the dangers of this endeavor first hand, the Galactic Academy was created. The academies goal was to train humans to survive in the galaxy, as no one knew exactly what dangers were out there.

At this time the elder Elementals feared that humans would discover other Elementals throughout the galaxy and think they were traitors.

So the Elementals came clean about being aliens, the near extinction of their species, and Earth being their salvation.

The humans were upset at first but understood. The Elementals were a part of this planet now, and their experience of the galaxy greatly helped the academy, and humanity as a whole.

The academy created the rank structure for those who "united" with the Elementals, giving them the title of Elementalist. Elementalists were broken down into four ranks.

Apprentice was the first rank. These Elementalists were still learning to use their abilities and could only do basic things, like shoot fire blasts or streams of water.

Wielder was the next and most common rank. They possessed an intermediate bond with their Elemental and were able to use more abilities, exhibiting better control over their respective element and possessing greater defense against it.

Wielder level is where element types begin to play a role, fire Elementalists being weaker against water Elementalists and such.

The third rank, held by most Elites was the Mage rank, titled as such to pay homage to their wand wielding days.

Mage ranked Elementalist possessed an advanced bond with their Elemental and were able to wield their element easier. They were near immune to like elements. The special thing about mages was the ability to summon their Elemental into a physical form.

While all ranks could summon their Elementals out in some kind of form, at Mage rank the Elemental and Elementalist could fight together as the Elemental would possess a physical form similar to a humans.

This skill was a double edged sword as it granted better combat capabilities but was taxing on the caster.

Advancing to Mage rank was extremely difficult, to advance, the Elemental and human's personalities fought for dominance, becoming essentially one entity. In the lower ranks the Elementals were their own entity, the battle at Mage rank would either subdue the Elemental completely or allow it to become the dominating personality of the two.

Elementals could choose to submit fully without the need for battle, becoming part of the human, "uniting" with them; but some Elementals wanted the power and would need to be forced into submission.

The highest rank was Master Elementalist, here the human and Elemental were fully "united." A Master ranked Elementalist had full control over their respective element.

Masters could turn into the Elementals' wisp form, and were fully immune to the same elements. A fight between two like Elementalists at this rank would be like pouring warm water on someone already taking a hot bath.

Control of the elements at Master rank was second nature, with just thoughts a Master could wield the elements in whatever way they wanted. While only one rank above Mage rank the gap between the two were massive.

Summoning the Elemental into physical form was childs play at Master rank and did not tax the Elementalist at all.

Very few Master ranks existed, but every one on the World Council was at this rank, as was the leader of the Galactic Force.

By year 50 humanity officially entered the galaxy, intermingling with other species and allowing other species to visit Earth. Their Galactic Force became a small powerhouse and their name began to spread.

Other species took note and soon after the Earth entered its first Galactic war.